Based on data obtained through survey, excavation, and archival research to date, here are just a few of the locations and tasks on which our 2010 research and field work efforts could be focused:
** Undertake targeted geophysical surveys and excavations in the area of Block 12, Lots 1-4, in which a shovel test pit survey in 2005 uncovered indications of occupation site remains; there also exists limited evidentiary leads indicating this block may have been a location for an African-American school house.
** Continue core sampling and excavations of the site of Louisa McWorter’s house on Block 13, Lots 3 and 4, on which geophysical surveys and partial excavations were undertaken in 2005.
** Continue core sampling and excavations of the site of a blacksmith shop located in the area of Block 3, Lots 1 and 2, on which geophysical surveys and partial excavations were undertaken in 2006.
** Undertake targeted geophysical surveys, and subsequent core sampling and excavations, in the area of Block 11, Lots 1-2, on the eastern edge of the town site; historian Claire Martin’s research indicates these lots were owned in the mid-1850s by Josephus Turpin, an African American with a small household listed in the 1855 state census, and who served as a sergeant in the 29th Colored Infantry during the Civil War.
** Use a hammer-driven soil core sampler to test thermal anomalies from the 2008 low-altitude aerial survey and to further explore the stratigraphic profiles of earthen terraces on the west side of the town site.
** Undertake core sampling and excavations on selected locations on the northernmost portions of the ridge-top of terrace 1 in Figure 7.3 of this report; AMS core samples of that terrace ridge in 2008 revealed intact stratigraphic profiles; this terrace ridge runs immediately to the west of known occupation locations in Block 4.
** Undertake geophysical and core sampling surveys in the area of Block 2, immediately to the east of the known occupation locations and blacksmith shop site in Block 3; commence excavations in this block where warranted by survey results.
If you would like to get in touch with the staff of the New Philadelphia Project and provide comments and recommendations where we should focus our future work, please do so!

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