The Plymouth Colony Archive Project

William Bradford, &c. Surrender of the Patent of Plymouth Colony to the Freeman, March 2D, 1640
Whereas divers and sundry Treaties have beene in the Publicke generall courts of New Plymouth his majestic our dread Sovereigne Charles by the grace of God King of England Scotland France and Ireland &c. concerning the proper Right and title of the Lands within the bounds and limitts of his said majestie's Letters Patents graunted by the Right Honorable his majestic's counsell for New England ratified by theire Comon Seale and signed by the hand of the Right Honorable Earle of Warwicke then Presidente of the said counsell to William Bradford his heirs associates and assignee beareing date &c And whereas the said William Bradford and divers others the first Instruments of God in the beginninge of this Create work of Plantacon together with such as the Alorderinge God in his Providence scone added unto them have beene at very grease charges to procure the said lands priviledges and freedomes from all entanglements as may appeare by divers and sondry deeds enlargements of graunts purchases payments of debts &c by reason whereof the title to the day of this present remayneth in the said William his heirs associate and assignee now for the better settling of the state of the said land aforesaid the said William Bradford and those their Instruments termed and called in sondry orders upon publick Record the Purchasers or Old Comers witnes two in especiall the one beareing date the third of March 1639 the other in December the first 1640 whereunto these presents have speciall relacon and agreement and whereby they are distinguished from other freemen and Inhabitants of the said Corporation. Be is Knowne unto all men therefore by these presents That the said William Bradford for himself his heires together with the said purchasers do onely reserve unto themselves their heires and assignee those three tracts of land menconed in the said resolucon order and agreement beareing date the first day of December 1640 viz. first from the bounds of Yarmouth three miles to the Eastward of Naemskeckett and from Sea to Sea crosse the said neck of land. The second of a place called Acconguesse (alias) Acockus which lyeth in the bottome of the Bay adjoyneing to the west side of Poynt Perrill and two miles to the westerne side of the said River to another place called Acqussent River which entereth at the western end of Nickatay and two miles to the Eastward therof and to extend eight miles up into the countrey. The third place of Sowawsett River to Patuckquett River with Consumpsit Neck which is the chief habitation of the Indians and reserved for them to dwell upon extending into the land eight miles through the whole breadth thereof, together with such other smale percells of lands as they or any of them are personally possessed of or interessed in by vertue of any former titles or graunts whatsoever and the said William Bradford doth by the free and full consent approbacon and agreement of the said Old Planters or Purchasers together with the likeing approbacon and acceptacon of the other part of the said Corporacon surrender into the hands of the whole court consisting of the Freemen of this Corporacon of New Plymouth all that ther right and title power authorytie priviledges immunities and freedomes graunted in the said Letters Patents by the said Right Honorable Councell for New England reserveing his and their personall Right of Freemen together with the said Old Planters aforesaid except the said Lands before excepted, declaring the Freemen of this Corporacon together with all such as shall be legally admitted into the same his associates And the said William Bradford for him his heires and assignee doe further hereby promise and graunt to doe and performe whatsoever further thinge or thinges act or acts which in him lieth which shalbe needfull and expedient for the better confirmeing and establishinge the said premisses as by Counsell learned in the Laws shalbe reasonably advised and devised when he shalbe thereunto required In witnes whereof the said William Bradford hath in Publicke Court surrendered the said Letters Patents actually into the hands and power of the said Court bynding himselfe his heires executors administrators and assignee to deliver up whatsoever specialties are in his hands that do or may concerne the same.
From the Federal and State Constitutions, Colonial Charters, and other Organic Laws of the States, Territories, and Colonies Now or Heretofore Forming the United States of America, compiled and edited under the Act of Congress of June 30, 1906, by Francis Newton Thorpe, Washington, D.C.
Go to Yale University's Avalon Project for similar colonial charters and land patents. Our thanks to the Project for presenting this instrument from the public records, which we include here for access by our search engine.