The Plymouth Colony Archive Project

Plymouth Colony Division of Land, 1623 Caleb Johnson, a member of the General Society of Mayflower Descendants, provides the following notes on this record of land divisions: In 1623, the Pilgrims divided up their land. The people mentioned in the Division of Land came on the Mayflower (1620), the Fortune (1621), and the Anne (1623). A couple may have arrived on the Swan (1622) or the Little James (1623), but these were small ships carrying mostly cargo. The Division of Land is recorded in Volume XII of the "Records of the Colony of New Plymouth", and reprinted in the "Mayflower Descendant", 1:227-230. Each family was given one acre per family member. The meersteads & garden plotes of < ? > which came first layd out 1620. The south side highway Peeter Brown John Goodman Mr Wm Brewster John Billington Mr Isaak Allerton Francies Cooke Edward Winslow The Falles of their grounds which came first over in the May-Floure, according as their lotes were cast .1623. Robert Cochman [Cushman] 1 Mr. William Brewster 6 William Bradford 3 these lye on the South side of the brooke to the baywards Richard Gardiner 1 Frances Cooke 2 George Soule 1 Mr Isaak Allerton 7 John Billington 3 Peter Browen 1 Samuell ffuller 2 Joseph Rogers 2 these containe .29. akers. These lye on the South side of the brook to the woodward opposite to the former. John Howland 4 Steven Hobkins 6 Edward [Doty] 1 Edward [Leister] 1 Gilbard Winslow 1 Samuell ffuller Juneor 3 these containe .16. akers besids Hobamaks [Hobomok, an Indian friend of the colony] ground which lyeth between Jo: Howlands & Hobkinses. this .5. akers lyeth behind the forte to the litle ponde William White 5 these lye on the north side of the towne next adjoyning to their gardens which came in the Fortune. Edward Winslow 4 Richard Warren <worn> John Goodman <worn> John Crackstone <worn> John Alden <worn> Marie Chilton <worn> Captin Myles Standish 2 Francis Eaton 4 Henerie Samson 1 Humillitie Cooper 1 The fales of their ground which came in the Fortune according as their lots were cast 1623. This ship came Novr1621. these lye to the sea, eastward. William Hilton 1 John Winslow 1 William Coner 1 John Adams 1 William Tench & John Cannon 2 These lye beyond the fort to the wood west. William Wright & William Pitt 2 Robert Hickes 1 Thomas Prence 1 Stephen Dean 1 Moses Simonson & Philipe de la Noye 2 Edward Bompass 1 Clemente Brigges 1 James Steward 1 William Palmer 2 Jonathan Brewster 1 Benet Morgan 1 Thomas Flavel & son 2 Thomas Morton 1 William Bassite 3 The fales of their ground which came over in the shipe called the Anne according as their were cast .1623. James Rande 1 These to the sea eastward Francis Spragge 3 these following lye beyond the brooke to Strawberie-hill. Edmond Flood 1 Christopher Connant 1 Francis Cooke 4 Edward Burcher 2 John Jenings 5 goodwife Flavell 1 Manasseh & John Fance 2 these but against the swampe & reed-ponde George Morton & Experience Mitchell 8 Christian Penn 1 Thomas Morton Junior 1 William Hiltons wife & .2. children 3 This goeth in wth a corner by ye ponde. Alice Bradford 1 Robart Hickes his wife & children 4 Brigett Fuller 1 Ellen Newton 1 Pacience & Fear Brewster wth Robart Long 3 William Heard 1 Mrs Standish 1 These following lye on the other side of the towne towards the eele-river. Marie Buckett adioyning to Joseph Rogers 1 Mr. Ouldom & those joyned with him 10 Cudbard Cudbartsone 6 Anthony Anable 4 Thomas Tilden 3 Richard Waren 5 Bangs 4 Robert Rattlife beyonde the swampie & stonie ground <worn> These butt against Hobes Hole. Nicolas Snow <worn> Anthony Dixe <worn> Mr Perces .2. Ser: <worn> Ralfe Walen <worn> South side Steph: Tracy three acres 3 Tho. Clarke one acre 1 Robt. Bartlet one acre 1 North Side Edw: Holman 1. acre .1 ffrances wife to Wil Palmer .1 acre Josuah Prat & Phineas Prat 2
Go to Caleb Johnson's Mayflower History page. Our thanks to Mr. Johnson for presenting this land division from the Plymouth Colony court records.