The Last Will and Testament of Captaine William hedge of yarmouth in the Iurisdiction of Plymouth in New England Late deceased exhibited to the Court (or meeting of the Majestrates) for that purpose held att The Towne of Plymouth the eleuenth day of august 1670) on the oathes of Capt Mathew Fuller and Iohn dauis as followeth ;
Witnesseth These presents That I William hedge senir: in Yarmouth in the Collonie of New Plymouth being weake of body yett of perfect sence and memory doe ordaine this my Last Will and Testament as followeth; first I bequeath my soule to the Lord that gaue it mee: and my body to a Ciuill and Comly Buriall and my estate as followeth
Item I giue vnto my beloued son Abraham hedge this now my dwelling house; with all the houshold stuffe in the Parlour; as beding Curtaine Curtaines bedsteed and all the moueables thervnto belonginge in the same; and all my land that belongeth to my dwelling house and alsoe all my lands both vpland and meddow that I haue in the prime feild;
Item I doe giue vnto my beloued son Elisha hedge my necke of Land and medowes belonging thervnto provided that hee pay his brother my son William: fiue pounds; Item I doe giue further vnto my beloued son William forty pounds j,n debts and my best suite of Clothes and my best hatt;
Item I doe giue vnto my beloued son Iohn fifty pounds and my next suite of Clothes and my brasse muskett and my Rapier and belt and two mares and; two Colts;
Item I doe giue vnto my beloued son Elemuell fifty pounds and two mares and two Coults;
Item I doe giue vnto my beloued daughter Sarah Mathews fiue pounds
Item I doe giue vnto my beloued daughter Elizabeth Barnes fiue pounds
Item I doe giue vnto my beloued daughter Mary Sturgis forty pounds
Item I doe giue vnto my beloued daughter Marcye fifty pounds
Item I doe giue vnto my beloued sister Brookes thirty pounds that is of mine in Verginnia that is due to mee from Brother Brookes deceased likewise it is my mind and Will that my sister Brookes shall haue her liuelyhood amongst my Children soe Longe as shee Continews a widdow,
Item I make my beloued son Elisha my sole exequitor of this my last Will and Testament; alsoe I doe heerby substitute and appoint my beloued frinds; Mr Thomas Thornton Mr Edmond hawes and Richard Tayler; the ouerseers of this my last Will and Testament;
And Wheras Blanch my Wife hath dealt falcly with mee in the Couenant of Marriage in departing from mee; therfore I doe in this my Last Will and Testament giue her twelue pence; and alsoe what I haue Receiued of hers my will is shalbe Returned to her againe And heervnto I haue sett my hand and seale this 30th of Iune 1670 In the presence of these Witnesses
William hedge
And a seale;
Mathew Fuller;
Iohn Gray
Iohn dauis
[Plymouth Colony Wills, vol. III, p. 20]