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Captain Thomas Southworth, Last Will & Testament

The Last Will and Testament of Captaine Thomas Southworth deceased exhibited to the Court of his Matie held att Plymouth the first day of March Anno: domine one Thousand six hundred sixty and nine; on the oathes of Gorge Bonum and Iohn Morton;

This eighteenth day of Nouember Anno: domine: one Thousand six hundred sixty and nine;

The Last Will and Testament of Captaine Thomas Southworth Memorandum;

I giue vnto my daughter Elizabeth howland all my housing and Lands both vpland and meddow within the Township of Plymouth to her and her heires Lawfully begotten vpon her owne body; To them and theire heires for euer; Item I giue all my other Lands out of the Township of Plymouth vnto my said daughter Elizabeth and vnto her husband Ioseph howland; Towards the payment of my debts; to be done with the advise of the Supervisors of this my last will and Testament

Item I giue my Rapier and belt to my sonne in Law Ioseph howland I giue Thomas Faunce forty shillings to be payed in sheep or neate Cattle

I giue vnto deborah Morton the sume of forty shillings to be payed in sheep or neate Cattle

Item I giue vnto William Churchill a sheep to be deliuered to him the next Springe following the date heerof That lott and halfe of Land which is att the Eelriuer which was exchanged by mr William Bradford deceased: with Iohn Faunce for a Lott att Ionses Riuer I doe yeild vp all my Interest in the said Lott of Land & halfe To Thomas Faunce and his heires for euer

The Rest of my estate I leaue in the hands of my son Ioseph howland and my daughter his wife & my brother Constant Southworth To be disposed of as they shall see Reason: for the supply of my wife in her poor Condition

Thomas Southworth

and a seale


Iohn Morton

Gorge Bonum;

Plymouth Colony Wills, vol. III, p. 1