November 15, 1636 Capitall offences lyable to death. Sodomy, rapes, buggery. Adultery to be punished. (Offences criminall, Altered.) [Adultery crossed out] ffornicacion and other uncleane carriages to be punished at the discretion of the Majestrates according to the nature thereof. Ffornicacion before contract or marriage. (PCR 11:12)
That none be allowed to marry that are under the covert of parents but by their consent and approbacion. But in case consent cannot be had then it shall be with the consent of the Governor, or some assistant to whom the persons are knowne whose care it shall be to see the marriag be fitt before it be allowed by him. And after approbacion be three severall times published before the solemnising of it. Or els in places where there is no such meetings that contracts or agreements of marriage may be so published, that then it shalbe lawfull to publish them by a writing thereof made and set vpon the usuall publike place for the space of fifteene days. Provided that the writing be vnder some majestrates hand or by his order. (PCR 11:13)
December 4, 1638 Wheras diuers persons vnfitt for marriage both in regard of their yeong yeares as also in regard of their weake estate, some praciseing the enveagleing of mens daughters and maids vnder gardians (contrary to their parents and gardians likeing) and of mayde sevants without leaue and likeing of their masters It is therefore enacted by the Court That if any shall make any motion of marriage to any mans daughter or mayde servant not having first obtayned leaue and consent of the parents or master so to doe shalbe punished either by fine or corporall punishment or both, at the discretion of the bench and according to the nature of the offence.
It is also enacted that if a motion of marriage be duly made to the master and through any sinister end or couetous desire hee will not consent therevnto Then the cause to be made knowne vnto the Majestrates and they to set downe such order therein as vpon examinacion of the case shall appeare to be most equall on both parts. (PCR 11:29)
June 4, 1645 It is enacted et cetera That euery person or persons which shall comitt Carnall Copulacion before or eithout lawfull contract shalbe punished wither with corporall punishment by whipping or els pay tenn pounds a peece fine and be ymprisoned during the pleasure of the Court so it be not aboue three dayes, but if they be or wilbe marryed one to another, then but tenn pounds both and ymprisonment as aforesaid. And by A lawfull contract the Court vnderstands the mutuall consent of two parties with the consent of parents or guardians (if there be any to be had) and a solemme promise of marriage in due tyme to eich other before two competent witnesses. And if any person or persons shall committ carnall copulacion after contract and before marriage shall both pay fiue pounds and be both ymprisoned during the pleasure of the Court so it be not aboue three dayes, or else in case they cannot or will not pay the fyne then to suffer corporall punishment by whipping. (PCR 11:46)
Wheras some abuses haue formerly broken out amongst us by disguiseing weareing visors and strang apparell to laciuious ends and purposes It is therefore enacted That if any person or persons shall hereafter use any such disquisements visors strang apparell or the like to such lacivious and euell ends and intens, and be thereof convict by due course of law shall pay fifty shillings for the first offence or els be publikely whipt and for the second tyme fiue pounds or be publikly whipt and be bound to the behauior if the Bench shall see cause. (PCR 11:48)
June 9, 1653 That euery person of the age of descretion which is accounted sixteen yeares whoe shall witingly and willingly make or publish any Lye which may bee pernitius to the publicke weale or tending to the dammage or hurt of any particulare person or with entent to deceiue and abuse the people with falce newes or reports and the same duely proued before any one Maiedtrate whoe hath heerby power graunted to heare and determine all offences against this Law; shalbee fined for euery such default ten shillings; And if the partie bee vnable to pay then to bee sett in the stockes soe longe as the said Maiestrate shall appoint in som open place not exceeding the space of two houres. (PCR 11:63)
September 29, 1658 It is enacted by the court and the authoritie therof that whosoeuer shall comitt Adultery shalbee seuerly punished by Whiping two seuerall times; namely once whiles the Court is in being att shich they are convicted of the fact and the 2cond time as the Court shall order and likewise to weare two Capitall letters namely A D cut out in cloth and sowed on theire vpermost Garments on theire arme or backe; and if att any time they shalbee taken without the said letters whiles they are in the Gouernment soe worn to bee forth with taken and publickly whipt. (PCR 11:95)
July 2, 1667 It is enacted by the Court that such as comitt fornication or comon drunkards that noe fine be receiued from them for their fact vntill they haue bin convicted therof before the Court vnlesse some vnavoidable Impediment shall hinder theire appeerance theratt. (PCR 11:219)
June 1670 It is enacted by the Court that whosoeuer haueing comitted vncleanes in another Collonie and shall come hither and haue not satisfyed the law where the fact was comitted they shalbe sent backe or heer punished according to the Nature of the crime as if the acte had bine heer done. (PCR 11:229) Appendix II: The Court RecordsThe following descriptions of Court Records provide the date of the record, the Plymouth Colony Record (PCR) cite, and an indication of the Court at which the action occurred, including the General Court (GC), the Court of Assistants (CA), Court of Magistrates (CM) (typically conducted by individual Assistants), and Governor Bradford hearing disputes and claims as an Assistant or Magistrate (Bradford). Sodomy
August 6, 1637. (PCR 1:64): John Allexander [and] Thomas Roberts were both ex ned and found guilty of lude behavior and uncleane carriage one w[ith] another, by often spendinge their seede one vpon another, w[hich] was proued both by witnesse [and] their owne confession; the said Allexander found to haue beene formerly notoriously guilty that way, and seeking to allure others therevnto. The said John Allexander was therefore censured by the Court to be seuerely whipped, and burnt in the shoulder w[ith] a hot iron, and to be perpetually banished the gouerment of New Plymouth, and if he be at any tyme found w[ith]in the same, to bee whipped out againe by the appoyntment of the next justi[ce], [et cetera], and so as oft as he shall be found w[ith]in this gouernment. W[hich] penalty was accordingly inflicted.
Thomas Roberts was censured to be severely whipt, and to returne to his m[aster], Mr. atwood, and to serue out his tyme w[ith] him, but to be disabled hereby to enjoy any lands w[ith]in this gouernment, except hee manefest better desert.
March 1, 1641/1642 Bradford, G. (PCR 2:35): Edward Michell, for his lude [and] sodomiticall practices tending to sodomye with Edward Preston, and other lude carryages with Lydia Hatch, is centured to be presently whipt at Plymouth, at the publike place, and once more at Barnestable, in convenyent tyme, in the presence of Mr. Freeman and the committees of the said towne.
March 1, 1641/1642 Bradford, G. (PCR 2:35-6): Edward Preston, for his lude practises tending to sodomye with Edward Michell, and pressing John Keene therevnto, (if he ould haue yeilded,) is also centured to be forthwith whipt at Plymouth, and once more at Barnestable, (when Edward Michell is whipt,) in the presence of Mr. Freeman [and] the committees of the same towne.
March 1, 1641/1642 Bradford, G. (PCR 2:36): John Keene, because he resisted the temptacion, and vsed meanes to discouer it, is appoynted to stand by whilst Michell and Preston are whipt, though in some thing he was faulty.
October 30, 1677 (CM, PCR 5:245-46): Att this Court, Ambrose Fish was inditied by the name of Ambrose Fish, for that hee, haueing not the feare of God before his eyes, did wickedly, and contrary to the order of nature, on the tweluth day of July last past before the date heerof, in his owne house in Sandwich, in this collonie of New Plymouth, by force carnally know and rauish Lydia Fish, the daughter of Mr Nathaniell Fish, of Sandwich aforsaid, and against her will, shee being then in the peace of God and of the Kinge. The grand jury found billa vera. The verdict of the jury of life and death was as followeth: Namely, if one euidence with concurring cercomstances be good in law, wee find him guilty. But if one euidence, with conccurring cercomstances, be not hood in law, wee find him not quilty.
Vpon consideration of the verdict, the Court centance him, the said Ambrose Fish, to suffer corporall punishment by being publickly whipt att the post, which accordingly was inflicted, and the prisoner released. October 31, 1682 (CM, PCR 6:98): Sam, the Indian, soe called, for his rape committed vpon an English gerle, being found quilty by the jury, who found him guilty by his owne confession, in wickedly abusing the body of Sarah Freeman by laying her downe vpon her backe, and entering her body with his, although in an ordinary consideration hee deseued death, yett considering hee was but an Indian, and therfore in an incapasity to know the horiblenes of the wickednes of this abominable act, with other cercomstances considered, hee was centanced by the Court to be seuerly whipt att the post and sent out of country.
September 7, 1642 Bradford, G. (PCR 2:44): Thomas Graunger, late servant to Loue Brewster, of Duxborrow, was this Court indicted for buggery with a mare, a cowe, two goats, diuers sheepe, two calues, and a turkey, and was found guilty, and receiued sentence of death by hanging vntill he was dead.
June 6, 1643 Bradford (PCR 2:57): The condicion, that if John Walker, sonn in law of Arthur Howland, do personally appeare before the Gouernor and Assistants at the next General Court, to be holden for this gouernment, to answere to all such matters as shalbe objected against him on his said magesteries behalf, concerning lying with a bitch, and abide the further order of the Court, [and] not depart the same without lycence; that then, et cetera.
March 6, 1665/1666 (GC, PCR 4:116): William Honywell, haueing bine committed to jayle on suspision of buggery with a beast, att this Court was examined concerning the same, and stifly deneyed it; and wheras noe sufficient euidence appeered to convict him of the said fact, hee was sett att libertie.
October 28, 1681 (PCR 6:74-75): Thomas Saddeler araingned for bugery with a mare. The forme of his inditement is as followeth: Thomas Saddeler, thou art indited by the name of Thomas Saddeler, of Portsmouth, on Road Iland, in the jurisdiction of Prouidence Plantations, in New England, in America, labourer, for that thou, haueing not the feare of God before, nor carrying with thee the dignity of humaine nature, but being seduced by the instigation of the diuill, on the third of September in this psent year, 1681, by force and armes, att Mount Hope, in the jurisdiction of New Plymouth, a certaine mare of a blackish couller then and therre being in a certaine obscure and woodey place, on Mount Hope aforesaid, neare the ferrey, then and there thou didst tye her head vnto a bush, and then and there, wickedly and most abominably, against thy humaine nature, with the same mare then and there being felloniously and carnally didest attempt, and the the detestable sin of buggery then and there felloniously thou didest comitt and doe, to the great dishonor and contempt of Almighty God and of all mankind, and against the peace of our sou lord the Kinge, his crowne, and dignity, and against the lawes of God, his Matie, and this jurisdiction.
This bill was comitted to the judgment of the grand enquest; and their verdict indorsed theron returned was, Billa verra. And the said Saddeler was required to answare whether guilty or not guilty; vnto which hee answared, Not guilty, and desired to be tryed by his eualls; and soe a jury of 12 men was impanneled, according to law, whose names followeth: John Bourne, Encrease Robinson, John Thacher, Gershom Hall, sworn, Leiftenant Jonathan Alden, sworn, Jabez Lumbert, Ensigne Tho Leanard, John Blackwell, John Hathwey, Joseph Dunham, Thomas Wade.
The verdict of the jury as follweth: Wee find him guilty of vile, abominable, and psumtous attempts to buggery with a mare in the highest nature. And then the Court haue centanced him, the said Thomas Saddeler, to be seuerly whipt att the post, and to sitt on the galloss with a rope about his necke during the pleasure of the Court, and to be branded in the forehead with a Roman P to signify his abominable pollution, and soe to depart this gouerment; all which was pformed in the pticulars.
September 3, 1639 Bradford, Gouer. (PCR 1:132): Mary, the wyfe of Robert Mendame, of Duxborrow, for using dallyance diuers tymes with Tinsin, an Indian, and after committing the act of vncleanesse with him, as by his owne confession by seuerall interpreters is made apparent, the Bench doth therefore censure the said Mary to be whipt at a carts tayle through the townes streets, and to weare a badge vpon her left sleeue during her aboad within this gouerment; and if shee shalbe found without it abroad, then to be burned in the face with a hott iron; and the said Tinsin, the Indian, to be well whipt with a halter about his neck at the post, because it arose through the allurement [and] inticement of the said Mary, that hee was drawne therevnto.
December 7, 1641 Bradford, G. (PCR 2:28): Forasmuch, as Thomas Bray, of Yarmouth, a single person, and Anne, the wyfe of Francis Linceford, haue committed the act of adultery and vncleanesse, and haue diuers tymes layne in one bed together in the absence of her husband, which hath beene confessed by both parties in the publike Court, the Court doth censure them as followeth: That they be both seuerely whipt immediately at the publik post, [and] that they shall weare (whilst they remayne in the gouernment) two letters, namely, an AD, for Adulterers, daily, vpon the outside of their vppermost garment, in a most emenent place thereof; and if they shalbe found at any tyme in any towne or place within the gouerment without them so worne vpon their vppermost garment as aforesaid, that then the constable of the towne or place shall take them, or wither of them, omitting so to weare the said two letters, and shall forthwith whip them for their negligence, and shall cause them to be immediately put on againe, and so worne by them and either of them; and also that they shalbe both whipt at Yarmouth, publikly, where the offence was committed, in such fitt season as shalbe thought meete by Mr. Edmond Freeman [and] such others as are authorized for the keepeing of the Courts in these partes.
February 3, 1656 (CA, PCR 3:110-11): Att this Court, the cunstable of Tauton brought a certaine Scote, a single man, and an Irish woman named Katheren Aimes, whome hee had apprehended vpon suspision of commiting adultery each with other; but the Court, haueing examined them, could not proceed to punish them for want of clearer euidence; but haueing intelligence that sundry in Tauton could giue euidence in the case, whoe were not present, the Court commited the said man and woman to the custidy of the marshals vntill the next Court, and summoned in the wittnesses to appeer att the said Court, namely, Alexander Aines, John Muckclay, Daniell Muckeney, Scotsmen, and a certaine Irish woman named Elizabeth; her other name non present doe know.
March 5, 1656 (GC, PCR 3:111): Att this Court, William Paule, Scotchman, for his vnclean and filthy behauiour with the wife of Alexander Aines, is centanced by the Court to bee forthwith Publickly whipt, and to paye the officers the charges of his imprisonment and punishment, which accordingly was performed.
March 5, 1656 (GC, PCR 3:111-12): Att this Cour, Katheren Aines, for her vnclean and laciuiouse behauior with the abouesaid William Paule, and for the blasphemos words that shee hath spoken, is centanced by the Court to bee forthwith publickly whipt heer att Plymouth, and afterwards att Taunton, on a publicke training day, and to were a Roman B cutt out of ridd cloth and sowed to her vper garment on her right arme; and if shee shalbee euer found without it soe worne whil shee is in the gouernment, to bee forthwith publickly whipt.
March 5, 1656 (GC, PCR 3:112): Alexander Anis, for his leaueing his family, and exposing his wife to such temtations, and being as baud to her therin, is centanced by the Court for the present to sitt in the stockes the time the said Paule and Katheren Ainis are whipt, which was performed; and the said Alexander Anis is to pay the charges of his wifes imprisonment and punishment, which said charge, in regard the said Anis is very poor, is to pay it by twelue pence per weeke vntill it is all payed; and James Walker, of Taunton, is appointed to recieue it in the countreyes behalfe.
December 7, 1641 Bradford, G. (PCR 2:28): Forasmuch, as Thomas Bray, of Yarmouth, a single person, and Anne, the wyfe of Francis Linceford, haue committed the act of adultery and vncleanesse, and haue diuers tymes layne in one bed together in the absence of her husband, which hath beene confessed by both parties in the publike Court, the Court doth censure them as followeth: That they be both seuerely whipt immediately at the publik post, [and] that they shall weare (whilst they remayne in the gouernment) two letters, namely, an AD, for Adulterers, daily, vpon the outside of their vppermost garment, in a most emenent place thereof; and if they shalbe found at any tyme in any towne or place within the gouerment without them so worne vpon their vppermost garment as aforesaid, that then the constable of the towne or place shall take them, or wither of them, omitting so to weare the said two letters, and shall forthwith whip them for their negligence, and shall cause them to be immediately put on againe, and so worne by them and either of them; and also that they shalbe both whipt at Yarmouth, publikly, where the offence was committed, in such fitt season as shalbe thought meete by Mr. Edmond Freeman [and] such others as are authorized for the keepeing of the Courts in these partes.
June 10, 1662 (GC, PCR 4:22): Att this Court, Thomas Bird, for committing of seuerall adulterouse practices and attempts, soe farr as strength of nature would permitt, with Hannah Bumpas, as hee himselfe did acknowlidge, was sentanced by the Court to bee whipt two seuerall times, namely, the first time att the present Court, and the second time betwixt this and the fifteenth day of July next. [Thomas Bird was whipt the first time att this Court.]
March 1, 1669/1670 (CM, PCR 5:32): Furthermore, in answare vnto the earnest request of the said Samuell Hallowey to be diuorced from his said wife, shee haueing not onely most horribly abused him, as is manifested by the testimonies to the abouesaid presentment, and att other times, as is aboue hinted, but alsoe confessed that shee hath committed adultery with diuers persons; yett notwithstanding, the Court, being not very cleare to such a proceeding att present, refered the full answare thervnto vntill the next June Court, being willing to take mature advice and deliberation about it, as is beehoofull to soe waighty a matter.
June 7, 1670 (CE, PCR 5:41-42): Att this Court, Samuell Hallowey, of Taunton, importuned the Court for a divorce from his wife, Jane Hallowey, expressing himselfe much agreiued with her continued approbrious and audacious asserting and affeirming that shee had committed adultery with Jonathan Briggs; in consideration wherof the Court passed an order to William Harvey and James Walker, of Taunton aforsaid, authoriseing them to examine her as soon as she can conveniently after her being vp out of child bed, to know of her whether shee will yet stand to and maintaine her said assertion; which if incase shee doe, and that the said Hollowey doe appeer att the Court of his magestie to be holden att Plymouth aforsaid the last Tusday in October next, and produce sufficient testimony, vnder the hand of the said William Harvey and James Walker, that shee still affeirmes that shee hath committed the said acte, the Court will then see cause to graunt him a bill of diuorse.
October 29, 1671 (C, PCR 5:81-82): [Mary Attkinson and John Bucke for Adultery.]
July 4, 1673 (CM, PCR 5:127): Wheras it doth appeer to this Court by diuers testimonies that Sarah, the wife of John Williams, of Barnstable, hath violated her marriage bond by committing actuall adultery with another man, and hath a child by him, this Court therfore sees cause and doe heerby declare, that the said John Williams is legally cleare from his couenant of marriage formerly plighted and made with the said Sarah, his late wife, and doe heerby free him from those duties relateing thervnto, and that the said Sarah hath by her breach of wedlocke cutt off her selfe from any right henceforth to the person or estate of the said John Williams, her late husband, and doe heerby likewise alow him libertie further to dispose of himselfe in marriage if hee shall see cause for the future soe to doe.
March 5, 1677/1678 (CM, PCR 5:253): In reference to the complaint of Robert Badston against Charles Wills, that hee had lyen w[ith] his wife, the Court, haueing examined the euidences respecting the case, did not find him guilty of that fact, and therfore cleared him therof, and from keeping the child, and the rather because the said Robert Badston hath frequently companied with his said wife by beding with her, both before and after the child was borne.
June 4, 1686 (CA, PCR 6:190): Wheras John Glover, of Barnstable, in this colony of New Pl X, cooper, did petition his majesties Court of Assistants, held at Plimouth, the sea X day of March last past, that he might have a divorce from mary Glo X, his wife, by reason of her false and treacherous dealing in her violating the marriage covenant by entertaining some other man or men into bed fellowship X her, and did by her filthines and basenes infect him, her said husband, with that filthy [and] noysome disease called the pox, to his great sorrow and paine, ruine of his estate, and hazard of his life. The said Mary, his wife, having bad X alsoe of his intention to sue out a bill of divorce from her for said cause, and X the Court then hearing the pleas and examining the testimonies, [and] X sent in by each of them to said Court. But the Court, not being fully advised X time, left it to farther consideration till this next Court, [and] accordingly X Clover in his own person appeared and prayed the Court to do XXXX. The Court therefore, on their tather [and] due consideration XX and XXX declares a separation [and] divorce of the said John XXXX his XXX John Glover hath herewith a totall freedom.
April 1, 1633 Act 2. (PCR 1:12): It. John Hews [and] Jone his wife adjudged to sitt in the stocks because the said Jone conceived w[ith] childe by him before they were publickely married, though in the time of contract.
April 1, 1633 Act 3. (PCR 1:12): It. John Thorp [and] Alice his wife like wise adjudged to sitt in the stocks, [and] amerced in forty shillings fine, because his wife conceived w[ith] childe before marriage, but in regard of their [present] poverty, twelue moneths time given for paym[ent].
August 7, 1638. (PCR 1:93): Whereas Thomas Boardman, liueing incontinently with Luce, his now wyfe, and did begett her with child before they were marryed together, which, vpon examiination, was confessed by them both, the said Thom. Boardman was censured to be seuerely whipt, which was performed accordingly, and to fynd sureties for his good behauior; and that he left the child (so vnlawfully begotten) liueing in England, [and] bring good testymony thereof; and the said Luce, his wyfe, to be censured when shee is deliuered, as the Bench shall think fitt.
August 11, 1638. (before Mr. Bradford, released PCR 1:94): The condition that the said Thom Boardman shalve of the good behauior towards our soueraigne lord the King, [and] all his leige people, and appeare at the General Court to be holden for this gouerment in January next, [and] not dep[art] the same without lycence, and shall also bring testymony vnder the hand of the alderman of the ward and publish in London, or els some other sufficient testymony, that a man child, begotten vpon the body of Luce his now wyfe, before marriage, was liueing when he put forth the same to nurse, and to whome it was put, et cetera; that then, et cetera.
November 8, 1638. (PCR 1:103): the condition, et cetera, that if the said John Smyth shall personally appeare either at the next General Court to be holden for this gouerment, or the Court of Assistants which shall first happen next after the byrth of a child begotten vpon the body of Bennett Moorecock, whereof the said John is the reputed father, and abide the further order of the Court, [and] not dep[art] the same without lycence; that then, et cetera. (He marryed the weoman, [and] appeared [and] had his centure to be whiped, which was accordingly done.)
February 8, 1638/1639. (PCR 1:113): Memorand: That whereas Dorothy Temple, a mayde servant dwelling with Mr. Steephen Hopkins, was begotten with child in his service by Arthur Peach, who was executed for murther and roberry by the heigh way before the said child was borne, the said Steephen Hopkins hath concluded and agreed with Mr. John Holmes, of Plymouth, for three pounds sterl., and other considerations to him in hand payd, to discharge the said Steephen Hopkins and the colony of the said Dorothy Temple and her child foreuer; and the said Dorothy is to serue all the residue of her tyme with the said John Holmes, according to her indenture.
June 4, 1639 Bradford, Gouer. (PCR 1:127): Dorothy Temple, for vncleanes and bringing forth a male bastard, is centured to be whipt twice; but shee faynting in the execution of the first, theother was not executed.
September 1, 1640 Bradford Gouer. (PCR 1:162): Thomas Pynson [and] Joane, his wife, for incontenency before their marriage, and censured, the said Thomas to be whipt at the post, and Joane his wife to sit in the stocks.
November 2, 1640 New Plym. Bradford, Gouer. (PCR 1:164): Francis West and Margery, his wyfe, for incontenancy with one another before marriage, were centured to be both set in the stocks; and that Francis shall make a paire of stocks to be set vp in a convenient place in Duxborrow, within the space of two months now next ensueinge.
March 1, 1641/1642 Bradford, G. (PCR 2:37): We present John Caseley, of Barnestable, [and] Alis, his wyfe, for fornicacion, in vnlawfull companying before their marriage. John to be whipt, [and] Alis to be set in the stocks. (the weoman stocks during the whiping)
June 7, 1642 Bradford, G. (PCR 2:42): John Casley, of Barnestable, [and] Alis, his wyfe, for fornicacion before marriage, is censured, the said John to be whipt, and Alis, his wyfe, to sit in the stocks whilst her husband is in whipping; which was accordingly executed.
June 4, 1645 Bradford (PCR 2:8586): John Ellis, of Sandwich, for abuseing himself with his now wyfe by committing vncleanesse with her before marryage, is censured to be whipt at publike post, and Elizabeth, his wyfe, to stand by whilst execution of the sentence is performed; wich was accordingly donn. And the said John Ellis, for his long and tedious delayes, occasioning much trouble [and] charge to the countrey, for that he would not confesse the truth vntill this present, is fyned [five pounds].
October 27, 1646 Bradford (PCR 2:109-10): John Tompson, coming into this Court and acknowledging his fault of incontinency with his wife before marriage, but after contract, was fined vli [and] imprisoned according to order, but paying his fees, was released of his imprisonment.
March 2, 1646/1647 (PCR 2:112): Whereas Steven Wing, of Sandwich, [and] Oseah Dillingham, were found to haue had carnall knowledge each of others body before contract of matrimony, which the said Steven Wing, comin into the face of the Court, freely acknowledging, he was, according to order of Court, fined in x li, and so is discharged.
October 4, 1648 (PCR 2:135): Christofer Winter and his wife haueing been presented, the 8th of Jone, 1648, for haueing knowlige each of other before publicke mariage, the said Christofer, deliuering a bill vnder his hand vnto Captain Standish, Treasurer, for the payment of his finne, is cleared of the said presentment.
March 6, 1648/1649 (PCR 2:138): Wee present Peregrin White, and Sara, his wife, both of Marshfeild, for fornication before marriage or contract. Cleared by paying the fine.
March 2, 1651/1652 (GC Presentments by the Grand Enquest, PCR 3:5): Wee further present Katheren Winter, of Scittuate, for committing the sinne of fornication with her father in law, James Turner.
March 2, 1651/1652 (GC Presentments by the Grand Enquest, PCR 3:6): Wee further present Thomas Launders, of the towne of Sandwich, for haueing a child born within thrity weekes after marriage. See more of this the 36th page of this booke. Not appeering, fined according to order.
March 2, 1651/1652 (GC Presentments by the Grand Enquest, PCR 3:6): Wee further present Nicholas Davis, of the towne of Barnstable, for haueing a child five weekes and foure daies before the ordinary time of weemen after marriage. [Rest for the present, because it could not bee fully ended.
June 3, 1652 (GC, PCR 3:11): David Linnet and Hannah Shelley, for vncleane practises eich with other, are sentenced by the Court to bee both publickely whipt at Barnstable, where they liue.
March 7, 1653/1654 (GC, PCR 3:47): Wee present Joseph Rose, and Elizabeth, his wife, of Marshfeild, for fornication. Cleared by paying the fine.
March 6, 1654/1655 (GC Presentments by the Grand Inquest, PCR 3:75): wee present James Gleghorne, and Abia Lumbard, his now wife, of Barnstable, for carnall copulation before contraction. [Paied the fine.]
June 6, 1655 (GC Presentments by Grand Enquest, PCR 3:82): Item, wee present John Sprague and Ruth Bassett, of Duxburrow, for fornication before they were married. [Cleared by paing the fine.]
June 6, 1655 (GC Presentments by Grand Enquest, PCR 3:82): Item, wee present Jane, the seruant of William Swift, for an acte of fornication, by her owne confession vpon examination.
October 4, 1655 (GC, PCR 3:91): And att this Court, Jane Powell, seruant to William Swift, of Sandwidge, appeered, haueing been presented for fornication, whoe, being examined, saith that it was committed with one David Ogillior, and Irish man, seruant to Edward Sturgis; shee saith shee was alured thervnto by him goeing for water one euening, hopeing to haue married him, beeing shee was in a sadd and miserable condition by hard seruice, wanting clothes and liuing discontentedly; and expressing great sorrow for her euell, shee was cleared for the present, and ordered to goe home againe.
June 7, 1659 (GC, PCR 3:165): Wheras Richard French is accused by Hepthsibah Andrews to haue committed bodily vncleanes with her, and hath stood engaged to the Court to answare for the same and appeered att this Court; and that like wise the said Hepthsibah Andrews was likewise summoned to appeer att this Court to make out her accusation, but soe it is that shee could not appeer by reason of weaknes or sicknes; the Court, therefore, hath seen reason to take bonds of him to pay a considerable summe towards the keeping of the child, wherwith shee goeth, if it shall appeer to bee his.
October 6, 1659 (GC, PCR 3:176): Att this Court, Richard French appeered to answare to such particulares as should bee objected against him X Hepthsibath Andrew, for committing bodily vncleanes with her; but shee not appeering, hee was for the present cleared, and his bond deliuered, and hee was left to his libertie to procecute against the said Hepthsibath Andrews, if hee pleased.
August 7, 1660 (CA, PCR 3:197-98): Att this Court, Thomas Attkins, an inhabitant att the Riuer of Kennebecke, appeered before the Court, haueing bine apprehended and committed to jayle for committing insest with his owne daughter, named Mary, whoe accused him that hee had committed the said acte sundry times with her; and beingstrictly examined hee deneyed that hee euer hee had to doe with her in that kind, and was returned to the jayle againe, and there to remaine vntill the next Court for further tryall. The summe of the examination is elsewhere extant in the Court.
October 2, 1660 (GC, PCR 3:199-200): Att this Court, Thomas Attkins, inhabitant att the Riuer of Kennebecke, and late prisoner att Plymouth, for committing insist with Mary Atkins, his owne daughter, came to his tryall according to law, which accordingly was procequted against him, by a bill of inditement prefered, and a jury of twelue men were impanneled for the tryall of the case, the prisoner examined, and all the euidence that could bee produced was presented. The said Thomas Atkins put himselfe vpon tryall of God and the countrey. The grand jury found the bill of inditement a true bill, and indorsed on it bella vera. These brought in a verdict, wherin they expressed that they found the said Thomas Atkins not guilty of the said fact, and soe according to the law hee was cleared. And wheras, in the examination of the said Thomas Atkins, it appeered that on a time hee being in drinke in the night season in his owne house, hee offered some vnclean, insestious attempts to his daughter, Mary Attkins, abouesaid, in his chimney corner, as hee himselfe, in parte, confessed. Hee was sentanced to suffer corporall unishment by whiping, which accordingly was executed, and soe the said Atkins cleared and sett libertie to returne to his owne home.
June 10, 1661 (GC, PCR 3:221): Thomas Burge, Junior, being bound ouer to the Court to answare for an act of vncleanes committed by him with Lydia Gaunt, hee was sentanced, according to the law, to bee seuerly whipt, which accordingly was enflicted whiles this Court was in being, and a second time to bee whipt att Sandwich, att the discretion of Mr Hinckley, on the first Munday in July next after the date heerof; and as conserning the capitall letters to bee worne according to the law, it is for the present respited vntill the Court shall descerne beter of his future walkeing.
March 3, 1662/1663 (GC, PCR 4:34): Nathaniel Church and Elizabeth Soule, for committing fornication with each other, were fined, according to the law, each of them, 05:00:00.
June 1, 1663 (GC, PCR 4:42): Nathaniell Fitsrandall, for committing fornication, fined ten pounds; hee hath liberty vntill the next October Court to pay the fine, or suffer corporall punishment.
October 5, 1663 (GC, PCR 4:47): William Norkett, for committing fornication with his now wife, fined fiue pounds.
June 8, 1664 (GC, PCR 4:66): Dorcas Presberry, for committing fornication, fined fiue pounds. Gorge Barlow stands engaged in her behalfe to see it payed.
October 4, 1664 (GC, PCR 4:77): Ruhamah Turner, for committing fornication, fined 05:00:00.
March 7, 1664/1665 (GC, PCR 4:83): Thomas Cushman, for committing carnall coppulation with his now wife before marriage but after contract, is centanced by the Court to pay fiue pounds, according to the law; and for the latter parte of the law, refereing to imprisonment, is refered to further consideration.
March 7, 1664/1665 (GC, PCR 4:83): Thomas Totman appeered att this Court, to answare his presentment for haueing carnall coppulation with his now wife before marriage, and affeirmed that it was after contract; which being not cleare to the Court, hee was centanced to pay a fine of ten pounds, if not cleared by further testimony; but if soe cleared, to pay but fiue pounds.
March 7, 1664/1665 (GC, PCR 4:84): Ruhamah Turner, of Sandwich, for committing fornication with John Ewen, was fined the summe of fiue pounds to the vse of the collonie.
October 3, 1665 (C, PCR 4:106): James Cudworth, Junior, for committing carnall complation with his wife before marriage, is fined, according to the law, fiue pounds to the vse of the collonie.
October 3, 1665 (C, PCR 4:106): Sarah Ensigne, for committing whordome agreuated with diuers cercomstances, was centansed by the Court to bee whipt att the cartstaile; and that it bee left to the descretion of such of the magestrates as shall see the said punishment inflicted for the number of stripes, but not to exceed twenty, which accordingly was inflicted this Court.
March 5, 1666/1667 (CA, PCR 4:141): Joseph Hollett and Elizabeth, his wife, for committing carnall coppulation each with other before marriage or contract, fined ten pounds.
July 2, 1667 (C, PCR 4:162): In reference vnto Sarah, the daughter of John Smith, of Barnstable, her committing fornication, although the summe of ten pounds fine might be required for her said default, yett on some considerations the Court haue remited the one halfe therof, and doe require the summe of fiue pounds.
July 2, 1667 (C, PCR 4:162): Elizabeth Soule, for committing fornication the second time, was centanced to suffer corporall punishment by being whipt att the post, which accordingly was executed performed.
July 2, 1667 (C, PCR 4:162): Dinah Siluester, for committing fornication, fined ten pounds.
July 2, 1667 (C, PCR 4:162): Joseph Hallott [and] his wife, for committing carnall coppulation before marriage and before contract, fine [10 pounds].
October 30, 1667 (C, PCR 4:168): Thomas Delanoy, for haueing carnall coppulation with his now wife beofe marriage, fine the summe of ten pounds.
March 2, 1668/1669 (CM, PCR 5:13-14): [Christopher Winter and Martha Hewitt incest case.]
June 1, 1669 (CE, PCR 5:21): Att this Court, Christopher Winter, allies Grabbam, was indited on suspition of committing insest with his daughter, Martha Hewett; hee putting himselfe on legall tryall, the grand enquest found not the bill, and soe hee was released.
In reference vnto the said Martha Hewett, shee haueing a bastard borne of her body, which was groundedly suspected to be begotten by her said father, though not legally proued, as abouesaid, shee alsoe refusing to confesse the father thereof, for her said whordome was centanced by the Court to suffer corporall punishment by whipping att the post, which according was performed and executed. And in answare vnto John Hewett, her husband, his earnest petition and request to be divorsed from her, the Court, not being fully satisfyed soe as to proceed therein, haue referred the case to a further hearing att the Court of his magestie, to be holden att Plymouth the first Tusday in July next, and the said parties to appeer and to produce such euidence as may further cleare the case, and soe for present were dismissed.
July 5, 1669 (C, PCR 5:23): Att this Court, John Hewett and his wife appeered, the said Hewett still earnestly requesting a divorse form his said wife, shee haueing bine detected of whordom; but notwithstanding what euidence was produced by them att this Court, the case appeered very diffucult in reference to some particulars. The Court haue refered it to the next Court of his magestie, to be holden att Plymouth the last Tusday in October next, for a finall determination of the same.
October 29, 1669 (CM, PCR 5:27): John Ewen, for committing fornication with Ruhamah Turner, was fined the summe of three pounds to the vse of the collonie, abated heerof twenty shillings.
March 1, 1669/1670 (CM, PCR 5:32): Att this Court, John Prince, Junior, of Nantaskett, appeered, hauing bine acused by Bethyah Tubbs that hee had begotten her with child; but it soe fell out by the ordering hand of God, that shee being sent for to heare some testimonies that hee said hee could produce, tending to his clearing, shee fell in trauell, an dwas deliuered of a child while the Court was then in being att Plymouth, on which the time being computed that shee acused him to haue done the acte, it was found not to answare to the time of the child's beirth, it being come to full perfection; on which the Court cleared him, soe farr as they could as yett descerne, form being guilty of the said fact.
July 5, 1670 (CM, PCR 5:43): Memorandum: that Jonathan Cudworth and his wife be sent for, to answare for committing fornication with each other; and likewise Elizabeth Adkins, for the same.
July 5, 1670 (CM, PCR 5:43-44): Elizabeth Doxey, late seruant to Mr Joseph Tilden, deceased, being deliuered of a child, and charging of Nathaniel Tilden to be the father of it, the said Nathaniel Tilden appeered att this Court to answare to it, and being examined, deneyeth it; notwithstanding, the Court saw cause to take cecuritie of him to saue the towne of Scittuate harmles from any damage that might acrew vnto them by the said child vntill another father appeereth; and a warrant was directed to the constables of Scittuate to cause her, the said Doxey, to bee sent as soon as shee is capable to Plymouth, to receiue punishment according to her demeritts.
October 29, 1670 (C, PCR 5:51): Att this Court, William Rogers, for committing fornication before marriage, was centanced to pay fiue found in mony or be whipt.
October 29, 1670 (C, PCR 5:51): Att this Court, Edward Jenkens was ordered to pay three pounds for and in the behalfe of his daughter, Mary Adkinson, whoe is fined for haueing carnal coppulation with her husband, Marmeduke Adkinson, before marriage and before contract; and the said summe being payed, shee is then freed from appeerance att the Court to answre for that fact.
October 29, 1670 (C, PCR 5:51): Att this Court, Jabez Snow and his wife were fined the summe of ten pounds for haueing carnall coppulation with each other before marriage.
January 17, 1671 (PCR 5:83-84): Mary Churchill and Thomas Dotey carnall coppulation and a child
March 5, 1671/1672 (CM, PCR 5:86): Samuell Arnold, Junior, and his now wife were fined the summe of ten pounds for committing fornication with each other before marriage.
March 5, 1671/1672 (CM, PCR 5:87): Att this Court John Williams, of Barnstable, appeered, being bound ouer to anware the accusation layed against him by Susannah Turner, of Sandwich, of begetting her with child, which hee stifly and peremtorily denied; and the fact not being fully proued against him, the Court saw cause att the present to take bonds of him for to allow a summe towards the keeping of the child; and soe hee was released for present, being to appeer att the Court of his magestie to be holden att Plymouth aforsaid the first Tusday in July next, according to the bonds following: --
John Williams, of Barnstable, standeth bound vnto the Court in the penall summe of 10:00:00.
The condition, that wheras the said John Williams is accused to be the father of the child which was lately borne of Sussanna Turner, of Sandwich, if, therfore, the said John Williams doe alow and suely pay two shillings by the weeke towards the keeping of the said child vntill the Court of his magestie to be holden att Plymouth aforsaid the first Tusday in July next, and that the said John Williams doe appeer att the Court, and not depart the same without lycence; that then, et cetera.
July 1, 1672 (CM, PCR 5:99-100): The condition that wheras the said John Williams is accused to be the father of the child which was lately borne of Sussanna Turner, of Sandwich, if therefore the said John Williams doe alow and duely pay two shillings by the weeke towards the keeping of the said child, vntill the Court of his magestie to be holden att Plymouth aforsaid the first Tueday in March next, the one halfe to be payed in Indian corne, and the other halfe in goods, both att prise currant, to be deliuered att James Pursevalls, att Sandwich, quarterly, (if the said child liue soe longe,) and that hee the said John Williams doe appeer att the Court aforsaid, and not depart the said Court without lycence; that then, et cetera.
July 1, 1672 (CM, PCR 5:100): Dorcase Billington is centanced to suffer corporall punishment by whipping, for committing fornication; this to be performed on some lecture day, when the Gouernor shall see meet.
March 4, 1672/1673 (CM, PCR 5:110-11): [letter from Isacke Turner discharging John Williams from the maintenance of his sister, Sussanna Turner's child]
March 4, 1672/1673 (CM, PCR 5:111): The condition, that if the said Nicholas White doe appeer att the Court of his magestie to be holden att Plymouth in June next, to make further answare to what may be required of him in reference to the charge and accusation of Jaell Smith, wherin shee chargeth him to haue committed vncleanes with her, and that hee, the said White, depart not the said Court without lycence; that then, et cetera.
March 4, 1672/1673 (CM, PCR 5:112): The condition, that if the said Thomas Jones doe appeer att the Court of his magestie to be holden att Plymouth in June next, to make further answare to what may be required of him in reference to the charge and accussation of Jaell Smith, wherin she chargeth him to have committed vncleanes with her, and that hee, the said Jones, depart not the said Court without lycence; that then, et cetera.
March 4, 1672/1673 (CM, PCR 5:112): Memorandum: that John Smith and Jaell, his wife, be summoned to the said Court in reference to the premises.
March 4, 1672/1673 (CM, PCR 5:112): Francis Curtice, for committing fornication with his now wife before marriage, fined fifty shillings.
March 4, 1672/1673 (CM, PCR 5:112): Abisha Marchant and Mary Tayler, for committing fornication with each other, fined each of them fiue pound.
June 3, 1673 (GC, PCR 5:118): Nicholas White, Thomas Jones, Jaell Smith
July 4, 1673 (CM, PCR 5:130): Att this Court, William James and his wife were fined the summe of ten pounds for committing carnall coppullation with each other before marriage or contract.
June 3, 1674 (CE, PCR 5:147): Att this Court Josiah Leuitt, of Hingham, appeered, to answare the charge of Deborah Brookes, that hee had committed fornication with her; and the Court haueing heard such testimonies on both parties as haue bin produced for the clearing of the case, and finding noe suffieient proofe of her said accusation, doe see cause to cleare him of his being guilty of the said fact soe farre as wee descerne.
June 3, 1674 (CE, PCR 5:148): Deborah Brookes, for committing fornication, was centanced by the Court to be publickly whipt, which accordingly was inflicted.
October 27, 1674 (CM, PCR 5:156): The condition, that wheras the aboue bounden Joseph Doten is accused by Elizabeth Warren to haue committed fornication with her, wherby shee is with child, if, therfore, the said Joseph Doten shall and doe appeer att the Court of his magestie to be holden att Plymouth aforsaid the first Tusday in March next, to make further answare respecting the said fact, and not depart the said Court without lycence; that then, et cetera.
March 1, 1674/1675 (CM, PCR 5:161-62): Rebeckah Littlefeild and Israell Woodcocke, she with begotten with child.
March 1, 1674/1675 (CM, PCR 5:163): Nathaniel Soule, for lying with an Indian woman, was centanced to be whipt att the post, which accordingly was inflicted; likewise, the woman was publickly whipt att the post for this fact. And the said Soule is ordered by the Court to paye ten bushells of Indian corne to the said Indian woman towards the keeping of the child.
June 1, 1675 (CE, PCR 5:173): Samuell Wood, for committing carnall coppulation with his now wife before marriage, fined 5:00:00.
October 27, 1675 (CM, PCR 5:181-82): Wheras a child is lately borne of Elizabeth Woodward, and that shee accuseth Pobert Stedson, Junior, to be the father therof, of which hee can not cleare himselfe, the Court sees cause to take securitie for the payment of what they judge nessesaary for the keeping of the child, as followeth: -- Robert Stetson, Junior, and Major James Cudworth, doe stand bound vnto our souern lord the Kinge, joyntly and seuerally, in the penall summe of thirty pounds. The condition, that incase the said Robert Stetson doe pay or cause to be payed, for and towards the keeping of the child lately borne of Elizabeth Woodward, two shillings a weeke, for the first three monthes, to be payed in corn or mony next after the birth of the said child, and one shilling and six pence a weeke, to be payed in mony or corn, vntill it attaine the age of seauen yeers, if it liue soe longe, that then the aboue written obligation to be void and of non effect, or otherwise to remaine in full force, strength, and vertue.
March 7, 1675/1676 (PCR 5:189): Mistris Anne Torry engaged vnto the Court either to procure and deliuer the summe of ten pounds, to answare the law for her daughter committing fornication, by the next June Court, or the present her daughter before the said Court to receiue corporall punishment.
June 5, 1678 (PCR 5:260-61): Elizabeth Loe for whoredom and illegitimate child with Phillip Leanard.
July 5, 1678 (CM, PCR 5:265): Richard Siluester, of Milton, for committing fornication with the daughter of old Leanard, of Tauton, is centanced by the Corut to pay a fine of fiue pound; and incase hee be not marryed, or doe not marry the said woman, then hee is to pay other fiue pound, according to the law.
March 8, 1678/1679 (CM, PCR 6:6-7): The condition of the aboue written obligation is such, that wheras Lydia, the wife of Isacke Hanmore, hath accused Robert Stanford, aboue bounded, to be the father of the child lately borne of her body, wherof hee hath not yett cleared himselfe to the satisvaction of the Court, if, therfore, the said Robert Stanford doe pay or cause to be payed, eighteen pence per week for the tearme of two years form the date heerof, and longer time if the Court shall see reason, to be deliuered to the said Lydia or her order, towards the bringing vp of the said chile, if it liue soe long, to be payed in good Indian corne, att prise currant, or in other good and marchantable pay, vnlesse hee cleare himselfe of the said fact in the interem, or come to other composition with the said Lydia and her husband; that then the said obligation to be void and of non effect, or otherwise to remaine in full force, strength, and vertue.
July 4, 1679 (GC, PCR 6:20): Jonathan Higgens, for committing fornication with his wifes sister after his wifes death, was fined the summe of 20:00:00.
June 7, 1681 (GC, PCR 6:63-64): Richard Benitt, for telling of sundry lyes, and for his laciuious and light behauiour with Deborah Woodcocke, is centanced by the Court to be publickly whipt att the post, which accordingly was performed; hee, the said benitt, was likewise centanced by the Court to pay one and twenty pence a weeke, for the space of three years from the date heerof, for the towards the keeping of the child borne of the said Deborah, wherof shee, the said Deborah, affeirmeth that the said Richard Benitt is the father therof. [also listed under July 7, 1681 same except payment is only twenty pence per week] And the said Deborah, for committing fornication with the said Richard Benitt, is centanced by the Court to pay a fine of ten pounds.
November 6, 1683 (CM, PCR 6:115): John Sprague and his wife, for fornication after contract, fined fiue pound.
November 6, 1683 (CM, PCR 6:115): Richard Man and his wife, for committing fornication, fined seauen poound and ten shillings.
October, 1684 (PCR 6:172): Wee present James Bucker [and] Mary Bucker his wife, of Sciuate, for fornication. Being conuict thereof by his own acknowledgment is fined fiue pounds.
October 29, 1685 (GC of 10/27/85, PCR 6:176): The Court then gaue him this judgmentt: John Michell, conuict for fornication with Hannah Bony, for lasciuious carriages and speeches att sundry times, is sentanced to be seuerely whipt, [and] to giue bond with surtyes for for his good behauior till March Court next, to stand committed till sentence be performed.
October 27, 1685 (GC, PCR 6:177): Hannah Bonny conuict for fornication with John Michell, [and] also with Nimrod, negro, [and] haueing a bastard child by said Nimrod, is sentanced to be well whipt.
October 27, 1685 (GC, PCR 6:177): Nimrod, negrow, conuict for fornication with Hannah Bonny, is sentanced to be seuerely whipt, [and] that said Nimrod pay 18 pence per weeke to said Bonny towards the maintainance of said child for a year, if it liue soe long; [and] if he, or his master in his behalfe, neglect to pay the same, the said negro to be putt out to seruice by the Deputy Gouernor soe long time, or from time to time, soe as to procure the same.
March 2, 1685/1686 (CM, PCR 6:180): Robert Staples, of Sittuate, apered before the Court; being convict of fornication, suffered corporall punishment.
July 6, 1686 (10/86 CA, PCR 6:201): Robert Godfrey, and Hannah, his wife, convict in Court for fornication
Attempts and Propositions
July 23, 1633. (PCR 1:15): Will. Mendloue, the serv[ant] of William Palmer, whipped for attempting uncleanes w[ith] the maid serv[ant] of the said Palmer, [and] for running away from his master, being forcibly brought againe by Penwatechet, a Manomet Indian.
September 4, 1638. (PCR 1:98): Francis Baver, of Scituate, presented for offering to lye with the wyfe of William Holmes, [and] to abuse her body with vncleanesse.
March 1, 1641/1642. Bradford, G. (PCR 2:35): Lydia Hatch, for suffering Edward Michell to attempt to abuse her body by vncleanesse, [and] did not discouer it, [and] lying in the same bed with her brother Jonathan, is censured to be publickly whipt; was accordingly donn.
March 2, 1646/1647. (PCR 2:112): Whereas George Wright was presented by the grand inquest for attempting the chastity of diverse women by lacivious words [and] carriages, he, trauersing the said presentment, made his plea at this Court, [and] by verdict of a jury of 12 men was found guilty according to the presentment. The Court, having maturely considered the matters [and] circumstances, censured him to be bound to the good behavior to our soueraigne lord the King and all his leidge people vntill the next October Court, [and] then to appeare and attend the further pleasure of the Court, [and] so committed him vntill he finde sureties.
March 4, 1650/1651. (PCR 2:165): Wee present Robert Waterman, of the towne of Marshfeild, for offering an attempt of boddyly vncleanes to Sara Pittney, of the aforsaid towne. JOHN DINGLEY (Fined fifty shill., or to suffer bodily punishment)
June 9, 1653 (GC Presentments by the Grand Enquest, PCR 3:36): Wee present John Lewis, of Scittuate, for attempting the chastity of Lydia, the wife of Nathaniell Rawlins.
June 9, 1653 (GC Presentments by the Grand Enquest, PCR 3:36): Wheras wee haue enformacion of John Marchant, of Yarmought, his attempting the chastety of Annis, the wife of Thomas Phillips, of the said towne, but haue not as yett oath of it, wee leaue it to the next jury to enquire after.
March 6, 1654/1655 (GC Presentments by the Grand Inquest, PCR 3:75): wee present John Pecke, of Rehobeth, for laciviouse carriages and vnchast in attempting the chastitie of his fathers maide seruant, to satisby his fleshly, beastly lust, and that many times for some yeares space, without any intent to marry her, but was alwaies resisted by the mayde, as he confesseth. [Fined fifty shillings.]
March 5, 1655 (GC Presentments by the Grand Enquest, PCR 3:97): Wee present Richard Turtall for laciuiouse carriage toward Ann Hudson, the wife of John Hudson, in taking hold of her coate and inticing her by words, as alsoe by taking out his instrument of nature that hee might prevaile to lye with her in her owne house.
March 7, 1659/1660 (GC, PCR 3:180): Wheras complaint is made against [blank], seruant to Leiftenant Peter Hunt, of Rehoboth, that hee, the said [blank], hath attempted the chastity of an Indian woman, by offering violence to her, and that the complaint hath bine heard before Captaine Willett, and that there is great appeerance of truth in the said charge; the Court haue ordered that the said Captain Willet shall further examine the said youth, named [blank], and incase hee shall find the accusation to bee true, that hee cause due correction to bee giuen him, and determine alsoe otherwise about the said fact as hee shall judge meet.
May 1665 (CA, PCR 4:88): Att this Court Gorge Barlow appeered, being summoned to answare for attempting the chastity of Abigaill, the wife of Jonathan Pratt, by aluring words and actes of force, being to the affrighting and much wronging of the said Abigaill in the house shee dwells in, being then alone; the said Barlow bee X examined, deneyed the said acusation in all the partes of it; notwithstanding, the Court saw cause to require bonds of him for his good behauior vntill the Generall Court to bee holden att Plymouth the first Tusday in June next after the date heerof as followeth: -- [Gorge Barlow acknowlidgeth to owe vnto our souern lord the Kinge the summe of 20:00:00.]
June 9, 1665 (GC, PCR 4:101): The condition, that if the said John Rushell shall and doe appeer att the Generall Court of his magesteries to be holden att Plymouth the first Tusday in October next, to answare to any thinge that may bee further objected against him conserning attempting the chastitie of Hannah, the wife of William Spooner, et cetera, and in the interem of time bee of good behauior towards our souern lord the Kinge and all his leich people, and not depart the said Court without lycence; that then, et cetera.
October 29, 1668 (CM, PCR 5:8): In reference vnto the complaint of Samuell Worden against Edward Crowell and James Maker, for goeing in his absence into his house in the dead tims magesteries to be holden att Plymouth the first Tusday in October next, to answare to any thinge that may bee further objected against him conserning attempting the chastitie of Hannah, the wife of William Spooner, et cetera, and in the interem of time bee of good behauior towards our souern lord the Kinge and all his leich people, and not depart the said Court without lycence; that then, et cetera.
October 29, 1668 (CM, PCR 5:8): In reference vnto the complaint of Samuell Worden against Edward Crowell and James Maker, for goeing in his absence into his house in the dead time of the night, and for threatening to breake vp the dore and come in att the window, if not lett in, and goeing to his bed and attempting the chastity of his wife and sister, by many laciuous carriages, and affrighting of his children, the Court haue centanced them, the said Edward Crowell and James Maker, to find surties for theire good behauior, and pay each of them a fine of ten pounds to the vse of the collonie, and alsoe to defray all the charge the Samuell Worden hath bine att in the vindication of his wifes innosensy, or to be seuerally whipt. And the said Crowell and Maker chose rather to pay the fine and giue bonds for theire good behauior vntill the Court of his magestie to be holden att Plymouth in March next. Vpon theire humble petition to the Court, they remitted vnto each of them the summe of foure pounds of the said fines. (both released on condition of good behavior)
October 29, 1672 (CM, PCR 5:107): William Makepeace, Senior, liueing att Taunton Riuer, for laciuious attempts towards an Indian woman, was centanced by the Court to be publickly whipt att the post, which accordingly was performed.
June 1, 1675 (CE, PCR 5:169): Nathaniell Hall, of Yarmouth, for vnciuill words and carryages towards Elizabeth Berry, and alsoe for giueing writings to the said Elizabeth Berry to intice her, although hee had a wife of his owne, was centanced by the Court to pay afine of fiue pounds to the vse of the collonie or be publickly whipt.
March, 1685/1686 (PCR 6:178): Wheras John Brandon, of Freetown, complains against Mathew Boomer, Junior, of said town, for that he, the said Boomer, hath sundry times beat him, the said Brandon, [and] giuen out threatning speaches against him, in soe much that, as he saith, he goeth in fear of his life of him, [and] more especially in behalfe of himselfe [and] Mary, his wife; she complains against the said Boomane, that att sundry times he hath attempted to abuse her, the said Mary, attempting by force to lye with her, [and] for other laciuious cariages towards her. These, et cetera. 1. The jury find the prisoner att the barr guilty of the breach of the Kings peace in striking of John Brandon. Secondly. Also, by breaking the Sabboth by sufering his Indian seruants to hunt on the Saboth day. Thirdly. Guilty of liciuiou carriages to Mary Brandon. Mathew Boomer, Junior, conuict of Saboth breaking, breach of the peace, [and] laciuious carriages with Mary Brandon. The Court orders said Boomer to pay for Saboth breaking twenty shillings fine to the country; for his breach of peace, ten shilings; [and] for his laciuious carriage with Mary Boomer, the Court orders him, the said Boomer, to pay four pounds fine to the country, [and] charges of prosecution.
Lascivious and Suspicious Conduct
August 21, 1637. (PCR 1:65): John Bundy was ex[amined] and found guilty of lude behavior [and] vnciuill carriage towards Elizabeth Haybell, in the house of her m[aster], Mr. William Brewster, and is therefore adjudged to be seuerely whiped, w[hich] was executed vpon him accordingly.
December 7, 1641 Bradford, G. (PCR 2:28): The condition, et cetera, that the said William Kersley shall personally appeare at the next General Court of our said soueraigne lord the King, to be holden for this gouernment, to answere to all such matters as shalbe (on his said master's behalf) objected against him for vncleane carriages towards men that he hath lyen withall, and abide the further order of the Court, and not depart the same without lycence; that then, et cetera.
March 17, 1641/1642 Bradford, G. (PCR 2:36): Tristram Hull, or Yarmouth, for vnclean practises.
March 17, 1641/1642 Bradford, G. Presentments to the Grand Jury (PCR 2:36): Wee present Thomas Tupper, of Sandwich, for midsemeanor in lascivious [and] vncleane carriages towards Lincefors wyfe, late of Yarmouth.
March 3, 1645/1646 Bradford (PCR 2:97): Thomas Bonney confession for interaction with Elizabeth Farnyseede.
October 2, 1650 (PCR 2:163): Wheras the wife of Hugh Norman, of Yarmouth, hath stood presented diuers Courts for misdemenior and lude behauior with Mary Hammon vppon a bed, with diuers lasiuious speeches by her allso spoken, but shee could not appeere by reason of somm hinderances vntill this Court, the said Court haue therfore sentanced her, the said wife of Hugh Norman, for her vild behauior in the aforsaid particulars, to make a publick acknowlidgment, so fare as conveniently may bee, of her vnchast beahuior, and haue allso warned her to take heed of such cariages for the future, lest her former cariage come in remembrqance against her to make her punishment the greater.
June 8, 1651 (Presentments by the Grand Inquest PCR 2:170): Wee present John Shaw and James Shaw, Samuell Cutbert and Beniamin Eaton, of the towne of Plymouth, and Goodwife Gannett, and Martha Haward, and William Snow, of the towne of Duxburrow, for vaine, light, and laciuius carriage at an vnseasonable time of the night.
October 7, 1651 (PCR 2:172): Wheras, at the Generall Court holden the 8th of June last past, John Shaw and James Shaw, Samuell Cutbert, and Beniamine Eaton, Goodwife Gannett, Martha Haward, and William Snow were presented for vaine, light, and lacivious carriage at an vnseasonable time of the night, the Court, not finding them alike faulty, haue fined James Shaw and Goodwife Gannett thirty shillings apeece, to be payed by the next Court of Assistants, [and] themselues then personally to appeere, or otherwise to receaue corporall punishment by whiping. . . . And Samuell Cutbert, William Snow, Beniamine Eaton, and Martha Haward are released, with admonishion to take heed of such euell carriages for the future. . . . And as for John Shaw, hee is lyable to punishment when oppertunitie serueth.
October 7, 1651 (Presentments by the Grand Enquest PCR 2:174): Wee further present Goodwife Ramsden for lacivius goeing in the companie of young men. Sence cleared with admonition. (Refered to conference and further admonished to labore to walk inofensiuely.)
May 4, 1652 (CA, PCR 3:6): Wheras Edward Holman hath been obserued to frequent the house of Thomas Sherive at vnreasonable times of the night, and at other times, which is feared to bee of ill consequence, -- The Court haue therfore ordered, that the said Edward Holman bee warned by the cunstable of Plymouth, that hee henceforth doe no more frequent or comm at the house of the said Sherive, nor that the wife of the siad Sherive doe frequent the house or companie of the said Holman, as either of them will answare it at theire perills.
June 9, 1653 (GC, PCR 3:37): Edward Holman, and Martha, the wife of Thomas Shriue, warned by the Court to keep out of the companie of each other, on perill of suffering corporall punishment by whiping.
October 4, 1653 (GC, PCR 3:41): Wee present John Marchant, of Yarmouth, for misdemeaning of himselfe in words and carriages with and towards Agnesse, the wife of Thomas Phillips.
June 6, 1655 (GC Presentments by Grand Enquest, PCR 3:82): Item, wee present Hugh Cole, and Mary Foxwell, his now wife, in keeping company each with other in an vndecent manner, att an vnseasonable time and place, before marriage. [Owning the presentment as it lyeth, hee is fined 20s.]
March 5, 1655 (GC Presentments by the Grand Enquest, PCR 3:97): Wee present John Gorum for vnseamly carriage towards Blanch Hull att vnseasonable time, being in the night. [Fined 40s.]
March 5, 1655 (GC Presentments by the Grand Enquest, PCR 3:97): Wee present Blanch Hull for not crying out when shee was assaulted by John Corum in vnseemly carriage towards her vpon her owne relation. [Fined fifty shillings.]
March 1, 1658/1659 (GC, PCR 3:159): William Nelson being presented for vnciuell carrages towards seuerall weomen att seuerall times, it being cleared to the Court that hee was guilty by seuerall testimonyes, hee was centanced by the Court to sitt in the stockes during the pleasure of the Court (which accordingly was performed) and likewise to find surties for his good behauior. [The said William Nelson acknowlidgeth to owe vnto his highnes, the Lord Protector, the summe of 40:00:00.]
March 5, 1660/1661 (GC, PCR 3:210): Att this Court, Hester, the wife of John Rickard, for laciuiouse and vnaturall practices proued by a presentment, was sentanced to sit in the stockes during the pleasure of the Court, and to weare a paper on her hate, on which her facte was written in capitall letters, all the time shee was to sit in the stockes; all which was performed.
March 5, 1660/1661 (GC, PCR 3:210): Josepth Dunham, for diuers laciuiouse carriages, was sentanced by the Court to sitt in the stockes, with a paper on his hatt on which his fact was written in capitall letters, and likewise to find surties for his good behauiour. [Released, paying his fees.] Josepth Dunham, oweth vnto our souern lord the Kinge the summe of 20:00:00.
May 7, 1661 (CA, PCR 3:212): Att this Court, Ann, the wife of Thomas Sauory, was presented fefore the Court to answare for being att home on the Lords day with Thomas Lucas att vnseasonable time, namely, in the time of publicke exercise in the worship of God, and for being found drunke att the same time vnder an hedge, in vnciuell and beastly manor, was sentanced by the Court as followeth, namely: for her accompanying of the said Lucas att an vnseasonable time as aforsaid, she was sentanced to sitt in the stockes during the pleasure of the Court, which accordingly was performed and executed;
June 1, 1663 (GC, PCR 4:42): The Court being enformed that Josepth Rogers, of Namassakeesett, hath frequently and from time kept companie with Mercye, the wife of William Tubbs, in a way and after such manor as hath giuen cause att least to suspect that there hath bine laciuiouse actes committed by them, the Court sees cause and haue required the said Josepth rogers to remoue his dwelling from Namassakeesettt aforsaid by the twentieth day of this instant June, and haue alsoe declared vnto him that if att any time hee shall bee taken att the house of the said Tubbs, or in the companie of the said marcye Tubbs alone in any place, that then hee shall forth with bee taken and seuerly whipt; and the said William Tubbs was by the Court strictly charged not to tollerate him to come to his house or where hee hath to doe att any time, as hee will answare athe same att his pill.
October 5, 1663 (GC, PCR 4:47): The abouesaid Marcye Tubbs and Josepth rogers, for theire absean and laciuious behauior each with other, cleared against them by the trauers of a presentment against them, were centanced by the Court to find sureties for theire good behauior as abouesaid, and fined each fifty shillings for the vse of the collonie. [each pay 20:00:00 for sureties]
March 6, 1665/1666 (GC, PCR 4:116): Wheras John Robinson, of Saconesett, hath bine convicted of some laciuious speeches and actions manifested towards Francis, the wife of Thomas Crippen, the Court saw reason to require bonds of him for good behauior, as followeth: --
John Robinson acknowlidgeth to owe vnto our souern lord the Kinge the summe of 20:00:00.
March 6, 1665/1666 (GC, PCR 4:116): Wheras Thomas Crippin hath bine convicted before the Court of laciuious speeches tending to the vpholding of and being as a pandor of his wife in lightnes and laciuiousnes, the Court saw reason to require bonds of him for his good behauior; and whereas the said Crippin could not procure surties, hee hath and doth by these presents bind ouer vnto the Court, in the behalfe of his magisteries, the vallue of forth pounds out of his estate, as followeth, namely, two mares, one cow, two yearling hekffers, two twelumonthing steers, and soe much of his other estate as will make vp the said summe.
March 6, 1665/1666 (GC, PCR 4:117): Wheras Jonathan Hatch hath bine convicted of vnnesesarie frequenting the house of Thomas Crippin, and therby hath giuen occation of suspision of dishonest behauior towards Francis, the wife of the said Crippin, the Court hath admonished him and warned him for the future not to giue such occation of suspision as aforsaid by his soe frequently resorting to the said house or by coming in the companie of the said woman, as hee will anware it att his perill.
October 29, 1669 (CM, PCR 5:27): Thomas Starr, for vseing words and carriages tending very much to vncleanes, was fined twenty shillings.
March 1, 1669/1670 (CM, PCR 5:31): Christopher Blake, for being drunke, fined fiue shillings, and for his vnseemly carriages in his drunkenes with an Indian woman, is centenced by the Court to sitt in the stockes two houres att Yarmouth on theire next training day; and incase hee shall goe aside to escape the execution of the said centance, that then hee shalbe taken by any constable within this jurisdiction, in whose liberties hee shalbe found, and publicly whipt.
March 1, 1669/1670 (CM, PCR 5:32): Wheras Joseph Turner, Senior, was presented att October Court, 1669, for slaundering, and for horrid inciuillitie in words and actions, and in the presence of seuerall weomen, as by plentifull testimonies appeers, it being pleaded att this Court, to which hee was summoned to answare the said presentment, that the tearmes of the presentment were soe generall, that hee could not be prouided att that time to answare to it, the Court alowed that hee should haue knowlidge of the particular heads of his charge contained in the testimonies giuen him, in order to his answaring itt att June Court next; which accordingly was done.
June 7, 1670 (CE, PCR 5:40): John Dunham, Senior, being bound ouer to this Court to answare for his abusive speeches and carriages towards Sarah, the wife of Benjamine Eaton, and being conuict therof, was centanced to be bound to his good behauior.
June 7, 1670 (CE, PCR 5:42): Wheras Joseph Turner, Senior, was bound ouer to this Court to answare his presentment, which was for most laciuious, abseane, and vild expressions and actions, spoken and acted towards seuerall persons diuers times, wherof hee was legally convicted by cleare and manifest euidence, (which is extent;) and haueing put the said presentment on travice, and the jury bringing in a verdict wherin they say they find him guilty in the whole presentment, vnles it be in the first particular and the first parte of the ninth; this Court doth therefore centance him, the said Joseph Turner, to receiue corporall punishment by whiping, and therby to receiue thirty stripes, fifteen wherof to be inflicted att Plymouth att the publicke post, soone after hee shalbe apprehended; and the other fifteen att Scittuate, on some publicke training day, as soone as it may conveniently be done and performed.
July 5, 1670 (CM, PCR 5:43): Abisha Marchant, for being found to be in bed with Mary, the wife of Morgan Jones, was fined the summe of forty shillings to the vse of the collonie.
August 11, 1670 (PCR 5:48): Abisha Marchant, for being in bed with Mary, the wife of Morgan Jones, fined forty shillings.
March 8, 1670/1671 (CM, PCR 5:53): Nathaniel Tilden, for vnciuell carriages with Elizabeth Doxey, hee was fined forty shillinges.
June 3, 1673 (GCE, PCR 5:117-18): Joseph Roes, of Marshfeild, being groundedly suspected to haue had to much familliaritie with the wife of John Loe, in a dishonest way, the Court saw reason to take his bond for the good behauior, as followeth: -- Joseph Roes, of Marshfeild, acknowlidgeth to owe vnto our souern lord the King the summe of 20:00:00.
March 5, 1677/1678 (CM, PCR 5:253): Joseph Dunham, for laciuiouse carriages vsed toward Elizabeth Ringe, fined twenty shillings, to the vse of the collonie.
July 7, 1681 (CM, PCR 6:71): In reference vnto Hannah Linnett her light behauiour with Joseph Randall att Barnstable, the Court haue ordered, that shee appeer before Mr Barnabas Laythorp, to whom the case is refered, that incase shee pay, or cause to be payed, the summe of twenty fiue shillings, then shee is to be freed, or otherwise to be whipt.
July 9, 1686 (CA, PCR 6:195): The condition, et cetera, that wheras the aboue bounden John Barlow, having been convict in Court for lacivious carieages towards Mary, the wife of Nehemiah Bessey: now, if the said John Barlow shall be of good behaviour to his said majesty and all his leige people, and espeasially towards the said Mary, and not frequent her company, vntill the next Court of Assistants to be holden at New Plimouth on the first Tuesday in October next, [and] personally appear at said Court to answer such matters [and] things as may then be objected against him; that then, et cetera. Said John Barlow, convict for lascivious caariages towards [and] with Mary, the wife of Nehemiah Bessey, fined 40 shillings [and] fees of Court, and bound to his good behaviour. [And] Mary Bessey fined 20 shillings [and] fees of Court.
July 6, 1686 (10/86 CA, PCR 6:201): John Barlow, convict for lacivious cariages towards [and] with Mary, the wife of Nehemiah Bessey, fined forty shillings [and] fees of Court, and stand bound to his good behaviour till the next Court of Assistants. And the said Mary Bessey for her uncivill cariages to [and] with said John Barlow, being therof convict in Court, fined twenty shillings [and] fees of Court.
October, 1686 (PCR 6:203-04): Jacobus Loper [and] Lidia Young, having been presented by the grand jury (at June Court last) for uncivill cariages to or with each other, as per the said presentment on file more at large appeareth, at this Court appeared to answer their said presentment, and said Loaper traversed his presentment, [and] put himself upon tryall by a petty jury, who found him not guilty, [and] so he [and] siad Lidia were released.
Miscellaneous Offences
June 9, 1653 (GC, PCR 3:37): An order was likewise passed from the Court requiring that Teag Jones and Richard Berry, and others with them, bee caused to part theire vnciuell liueing together, as they will answare it.
May 1, 1660 (CA, PCR 3:186): Att this Court Henery Howland, being summoned, appeered to answare for his entertaining another mans wife in his house after complaint made to him by her husband, and for permitting a Quakers meeting in his house, and for entertaining a forraigne Quaker contrary to order of Court. The first particulare hee stifely deneyed, and the euidence did not appeer to make it out . . . .
October 5, 1663 (GC, PCR 4:47): Ralph Earle, for drawing his wife in an vnciuell manor on the snow, is fined twenty shillings.
March 1, 1663/1664 (GC, PCR 4:50): Timothy Hallowey, of Taunton, for misdemenor in frequent kising the wife of John Hathewey, and for being att the house of the said Hathewey att vnseasonable time, and for neglecting to appeer att Court according to summons, fined twenty shillings.
June 7, 1665 (GC, PCR 4:93): In reference vnto diuers complaints made conserning John Williams, Junior, his disorderly liueing with his wife, and his abusiue and harsh carriages towards her both in words and actions, in speciall his sequestration of himselfe from the marriage bed, and his accusation of her to bee a whore, and that especially in reference vnto a child lately borne of his said wife by him denied to bee legittimate, the Court saw cause to require bonds for the appeerance of the said Williams att this present court, and likewise sent for his wife to this Court; and after the hearing of seuerall thinges to and frow betwixt them, the said Williams being not able to make out his charge against her, they were both admonished to apply themselues to such waies as might make for the recouering of peace and loue betwixt them; and for that end the Court requested Isacke Bucke to bee officious therin, and soe dismised them from the Court for that time.
August 1, 1665 (CA, PCR 4:104): Att this Court, John Arther appeered, according to summons, to answare for abusiue speeches and for entertaining of the wife of one Talmon and the wife of William Tubbs; but the said Afther pretending hee could procure euidence to cleare him in some of the particulares charged, hee engageing to appeer att October Court, is for the present released.
October 3, 1665 (C, PCR 4:107-08): Wheras Elizabeth, the wife of John Williams, hath bine openly traduced and scandulised in her name, and by false reports and reproaches rendered as if shee were a dishonest woman, and that the child shee brought forth into the world was not legitimate, these are to declare openly before the countrey, that the Court, haueing had sundry occations to heare and examine particulars sundry times relateing to the premises, can find noe cause of blame in her in such respects, but that shee hath behaued herselfe as one that hath faithfully obserued the bond of wedlocke, and that shee and her friends hath bine much wronged by such reports.
May 1, 1666 (CA, PCR 4:121): Att this Court, John Williams appeered to make answare for his continued abusing of his wife, by vnaturall carriages towards her both in words and actions, by rendering her to bee a whore, and for persisting on his refusing to performe marriage duty towards her according to the law of God and man; and forasmuch as the said Williams desired to bee tried in reference to the premises by a jury, the Court gaue him libertie soe to doe, either att this Court or att the Court to bee holden att Plymouth in June next; the said Williams desired it might bee att the last named, and heerby engageth to supply his wife in the mean time with money and other nessesaries withich shee shall stand in need of, and hath expressed himselfe to bee willing that shee shall stand in need of, and hath expressed himselfe to bee willing that shee shall or may repaire to her frinds vntill then, and then and att that time to attend the issue of the case on the fift day of the said Court weeke.
June 5, 1666 (GC, PCR 4:125-26): Case of John and Elizabeth Williams.
June 3, 1668 (GC, PCR 4:187): Att this Court, vpon the oftens and earnest suite of William Tubbs to be diuorsed from his wife, shee haueing for a longe time sequestered herselfe from him, and will not be perswaded to returne to him, the Court haue directed letter the Road Iland to the gouernment there, in whose jurisdiction shee now is, to request them to take course that shee may be informed of the Courts pleasure and determination, that incase shee, the said Marcye Tubbs, the wife of William Tubbs, doe not returne vnto her said husband between this date and the Court of his magesteries to be holden att Plymouth the first Tusday in July next, that then hee, the said William Tubbs, shalbe diuorced from her. [Divorce granted on July 7, 1668]
March 2, 1668/1669 (CM, PCR 5:16): Att this Court, Mary, the wife of Jonathan Morey, and her son, Benjamine Foster, appeered, being summoned to answare a complaint against the said Mary, for that shee, by her crewell, vnnaturall, and extreame passionate carriages soe exasperated her said son as that hee oftentimes carryed himselfe very much vnbeseeming him and vnworthyly towards his said mother, both by words and otherwise; yea, soe was her turbulent carriages towards him, as that seuerall of the naighbors feared murder would be in the issue of it; shee, the said Mary, being examined respecting the premises, and owned her fault, and seemed to bee very sorry for it, and promised reformation; the youth, her son, likewise owned with teares his euill behauior towards his mother, which gaue the Court such satisfaction as they passed his fault by with admonition; and in reference to the said Mary Morey, the Court, vpon her engagement of better walkeing, are willing to take further tryall of her, and therfore condecended to lett her son remaine with her vntill the next June Court, and then further to doe in the case as occation shall require.
July, 1683 (PCR 6:113): Wheras Awashunkes, and her daughter Bettey, and her son Peter, were brought to this Court on sispition of theire haueing a hand in the murthering of a young child the said Bettey had, this Court, on examination of the case, the said Awashunkes [and] her said daughter sollemly affeirming the said child to be dead before it was born, and nothing as yett appeering to the contrary vnto the Court, they therfore were dismised; yett in regard to theire ill carriage in the management of that affaire concerning a woman to be whippt for reporting said Bettey was with child, when soe it afterward appeered to be really soe, the Court therfore order, that the two Indian squaes, that were appointed to serch the said Bettey, affeirming that shee was not with child, wherby Sames wife was whipt for the report aforsaid, shall pay, each of them, ten shillings in good currant pay to the said Sames squaw; and the said Bettey to pay to her the summe of twenty shillings in good pay; and each of the three, namely, Awashunkes, Bettey, and Peter, twenty shillings a peece towards the charge of theire bringing and imprisonment; and the said Bettey to be whipt by the Indians att Sconett, for her fornicatino; and the Indians there to doe what they can to find out any further grounds of suspition of said suspected murder, and if there appeer further just grounds of such a fact committed by any of them, them to cecure and send to the English authoritie, to be dealt with according to law.
ReferencesBradford, William. Of Plymouth Plantation, 1620-1647. Ed. by Samuel Eliot Morison. New York: Knopf (1952). Dayton, Cornelia Hughes. Women Before the Bar: Gender, Law, [and] Society in Connecticut, 1639-1789. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press (1995). Demos, John. A Little Commonwealth: Family Life in Plymouth Colony. London: Oxford University Press (1970). Fischer, David Hackett. Albion's Seed: Four British Folkways in America. London: Oxford University Press (1989). PCR. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth in New England. Ed. by Nathaniel Shurtleff and David Pulsifer. New York: AMS Press. 12 v. in 6. Stratton, Eugene Aubrey. Plymouth Colony: Its History [and] People, 1620-1691. Salt Lake City: Ancestry Publishing (1986). Ulrich, Laurel Thatcher. Good Wives: Image and Reality in the Lives of Women in Northern New England, 1650-1750. New York: Vintage Books (1980). |