Francis COOKE
of Plymouth
A Biographical Research Profile
by David Haas
Francis Cooke came on the Mayflower with his eldest son John in 1620 and as such was one of the signers of the Mayflower Compact. His wife, Hester, soon followed on the Anne in 1623. She brought with her three additional children: Jacob, Jane, and Hester. Another child, Mary, was born in 1626.
Francis Cooke was also listed on the original list of freemen for Plymouth and was found on this list again in 1633, 1637 and 1658. As a freemen he had several duties which were thrust upon him. He served twice on the Grand Inquest, once in 1638 and a second time in 1640. Cooke also served on numerous juries from the years 1638-48. His most notable case was that of Allis Bishop. She admitted to murdering her four year old daughter by slashing her throat and windpipe with a knife. His major service to the community, however, seemed to come in the highway realm. In 1637 he was appointed to the committee to lay out highways. He followed this appointment with the job of surveyor of the highways for Plymouth in 1641, 1642 and again in 1645. He even served on a committee to find the best route for a new road.
There is no record or what kind of work Cooke was engaged in. He did have and apprentice, John Harmon, for seven years starting in 1636. Francis Cooke was also on the 1643 Plymouth list of those who were able to bear arms.
Francis Cooke was not as active in court as his jury duty. He won a judgment against John Browne, the elder, for abusing his cattle. Along with twelve others, he was given 4 black heifers and two shee goats in the 1627 cattle division. Cooke appears to have been granted many different parcels of land in and around Plymouth. Some of this land he gave to his sons Jacob and John, which they sold portions of. Francis even sold some land to William Bradford. His neighbors included Isaak Allerton, Edward Winslow, and Thomas Prence as well as his 2 sons John and Jacob.
The End
The will of Francis Cooke, dated 7 October 1659, leaves all his possessions to his wife Hester with Hester and his son John as joint executors of the will. John Aldin and John Howland were witnesses to the will. Francis Cooke passed away on 7 April 1663 at the age of approximately 80. An inventory was taken of his possessions by Ephraim Tinkham and William Crow on 1 May 1663. His total net worth at that time was 86 pounds, 11 shillings, and 1 pence.
Primary Source Reference
1620 No specific date PCR 12:5
Plots of those who came in 1620.
The northside The southside
Peeter Brown
John Goodman
Mr. Wm. Brewster
John Billington
Mr. Isaak Allerton
Francies Cooke
Edward Winslow
No specific date Davis 1883 I:340
Francis Cooke and son John came over on Mayflower.
1623 No specific date Davis 1883 I:340
Cooke's wife Hester came on Ann with children Jacob, Jane and Hester.
No specific date PCR 12:5
Cooke is granted land which "lye beyond the brook to Strawberie hill."
17 December 1623 PCR 11:5
Cooke helped write "Orders agreed on at feveral times for the Generall good of the Colony and the Better government and preferration of the fame."
1626 No specific date Davis 1883 I:340
Child, Mary born.
1627 No specific date PCR 12:9
Cooke and 12 others are allotted "4 black Heyfers....and two shee goats in" the 1627 cattle division.
1628 3 January 1627/8 PCR 12:14
Helped write "about deuision of lands" that was agreed in a full court.
1629 January 1629 PCR 12:51
Mention that William Bradford bought s acres of land from "Ffrancis Cooke" and sold it to Georg Watson.
1633 No specific date PCR 1:3
Francis Cooke on list of "The Names of the Freeman of the Incorporation of Plymouth in New England, An: 1633."
No specific date PCR 8:173
On Plymouth list of freemen in 1633.
7 January 1632/33 PCR 1:8
Cooke and Robert Heeks arbitrated a dispute between Samuell Tiller, the elder, and Peter Browne.
25 March 1633 PCR 1:10
Taxed 18 shillings.
1634 27 March 1634 PCR 1:28
Taxed 9 shillings.
1 October 1634 PCR 1:31
Cooke appointed to lay out the highways.
1636 7 November 1636 PCR 1:46
John Harmon acknowledged himself as an apprentice to Cooke for 7 years
retroactive to 11 October 1636.
1637 7 March 1636/7 PCR 7:5
"Frauncis Cooke" complained against Thomas Lettus, James Walker, John Browne, the younger and the elder, Thomas Teley, and Thomas Willet because they abused his cattle which lost her calf, milk, and almost died. The jury found for Cooke against the elder Browne for 3 pounds damages and 13 shillings, 6 pence charges of the court.
27 March 1637 PCR 1:52
Cooke on "The Names of the Freeman."
2 May 1637 PCR 1:58
Appointed to the committee to lay out highways.
7 June 1637 PCR 1:60
Execution is granted against Mr. John Browne for the verdict recorded against him regarding Francis Cooke.
1638 2 January 1637/8 PCR 1:74
Served on jury which found Edward Shaw guilty of "felonous takeing of xv from
the person of William Corvannell."
Served on jury which found Marke Mendlone guilty "as accessory to felony
committed by Edward Shaw."
2 January 1637/8 PCR 7:7
Served on jury which found John Davis not guilty for failing to deliver Michall Turners goods from Weymouth to Sandwich and awarded Davis 50 shillings damages and "the charges of the court."
Served on jury which found John Holmes not guilty of trespass and awarded him 5 shillings damages and "the charges of the court."
Served on jury which found for the defendants, the executors of Mr. Thomas Prince's will against John and Elizabeth Willis over a plot of land and awarded
7 shillings damages and "the charges of the court."
2 June 1638 PCR 1:87
Appointed to Grand Inquest.
8 November 1638 PCR 1:103
Small parcel of land, previously held by Francis Cooke, was granted to Mr.
Thomas Prence.
1639 4 February 1638/9 PCR 1:112
Granted a parcel of land lying at the end of Goodman Shaw's land at Smilt River.
4 June 1639 PCR 12:44
Thomas Prence's land lies next to Cooke's land.
3 September 1639 PCR 7:13
Served on jury which found the defendant William Hatch guilty of trespass and awarded the plaintiff, Joseph Meriam, 5 pounds, 14 shillings, and 2 pence damages and "the charges of the court."
Served on jury which found the defendant John Lewis guilty of trespass and awarded the plaintiff, William Gibson, 5 pounds, 14 shillings, and 2 pence damages and "the charges of the court."
3 December 1639 PCR 7:14
Served on jury which found the plaintiff, John Atwood, in a trespass case against Robert Bartlet for "three pounds three shillings six pence debt, forty shillings dam the charges of the court."
Served on jury which found for the plaintiff, Robert Waterman, in a trespass case against Thomas Clarke for "thirty-five shillings, five shillings dam the charges of the court."
1640 3 March 1639/40 PCR 7:16
Served on jury which found for the plaintiff, Samuell Chaundler, in a trespass case against John Jenney and awarded seventeen pounds, 4 shilling damages and other charges.
Served on jury which found for the plaintiff, John Barnes, for a debt against John Holmes and awarded 8 pounds.
Served on jury which found for the plaintiff, John Witcomb, 14 shillings and 6 pence against John Stow for trespass.
6 May 1640 PCR 1:152
Appointed to committee to compute the number of acres of land in the meadows of Edward Doteys.
2 June 1640 PCR 1:155
Appointed to Grand Inquest
5 October 1640 PCR 1:163
Francis and John Cooke granted land of not more than 200 acres, "between Leiftennant Holmes land at the North Riuer and John Rodgers land.'
1641 1 February 1640/1 PCR 2:7
Appointed to the committee to layout highways.
1642 1 March 1641/2 PCR 2:34
Appointed surveyor of the highways for Plymouth.
7 June 1642 PCR 2:40
Appointed surveyor of the highways for Plymouth.
7 June 1642 PCR 7:30
Served on jury which found for the plaintiff, Thomas Byrd, in a trespass case against James Cudworth for 40 shilling damages and "the charges of the suite."
Served on jury which found for the plaintiff, John Joyce, in a trespass case against Walter Deuell, which awarded damages "and the costs and charges of the suite."
Served on jury which found for the plaintiff, Samuell Hinkley, in a trespass case against Mr. Joseph Hull, which awarded charges of the defendant.
7 September 1642 PCR 7:31
Served on jury which in a trespass case between the plaintiff, Samuell Hinkley, and Mr. Joseph Hull. "The action was agreed by mutuall consent."
Served on jury which found for the plaintiff, Richard Church, in a trespass case against Matthew Fuller for debt, damages and charges of the suite.
Served on jury which found for the plaintiff, Mr. Willm Hanbury, in a trespass against John Shaw, which awarded charges of the defendant
Served on jury which Willm Hiler admitted to a debt and promised to pay it within 14 days.
17 October 1642 PCR 2:49
Court granted Cooke 60 acres at the "medow at the North Meddow by Joanes Riuer if it be there to be had."
1643 7 March 1642/3 PCR 2:53
Appointed to the grand jury of the highways.
7 March 1642/3 PCR 7:33
Served on jury which found for the plaintiff, Mr. Willm Hanbury against Mr. Andrew Hellot for a debt. The court found for debt, damages and cahrges of the suite.
Served on jury which found for the plaintiff, John Coggen, in a trespass case against Mr. Joseph Hull. The court awarded 2 steers until the action is tried or the debt is paid.
Served on jury which found for the plaintiff, John Tompson, in a trespass case against John Holmes, and awarded the debt, damages, and charges of the suite.
6 June 1643 PCR 2:56
Appointed to the Grand Inquest.
August 1643 PCR 8:187
On list "of all the Males that are able to beare Armes."
1645 4 June 1645 PCR 2:84
Appointed surveyor of the highways for Plymouth.
1648 1 August 1648 PCR 2:132
On a coroner's jury "to make inquiry of the death of the child of Allis Bishop, the wife of Richard Bishop." Jury found child of 4 years with her throat and windpipe slashed and a knife lying next to her. Allis confessed to the jury that "shee murdered the child with the said knife."
1649 11 July 1649 PCR 12:175
Jacob Cooke bought land from Mr. Thomas Prence for 21 pounds and 10 shillings which adjoined the lands of Mr. Jon Combes and Francis Cooke.
1650 9 April 1650 PCR 12:185-6
"Ffrancis Cooke" gave an upland medow of 100 acres, which he was granted on 5 October 1640, "lying att the North Riuer" to his son Jacob Cooke "to have and to hold." Jacob then sold the land to Moris Truant for 16 pounds sterling.
10 June 1650 PCR 2:160
According to order, Cooke and rest of a committee "marked a new way from Joaneses Riuer to Massachusetts Path through John Rodgers his ground" in the
best possible way.
2 October 1650 PCR 2:149
John Aldin and Miles Standish were ordered to "manifest what were there intents about the bounds" of the land they laid out at the North River for Francis and John Cooke and John Rodgers.
3 October 1650 PCR 12:196
John Cooke his portion of the land which was given to him and his father, Francis Cooke, in 1640 on the medow at North River to Thomas Tilden for 23 pounds.
3 October 1650 PCR 2:149
Pursuant to a 1640 court order John Aldin and Miles Standish were to lay out lands for John and Francis Cooke and John Rodgers at the North Riuer which were to be sold to Thomas Tilden, Moris Truent, and William Maycomber. It reports that the job was completed on 13 March 1650.
1651 No date specified PCR 2:177
Francis Cooke on "The Names of the Purchasers" test.
1658 No specific date PCR 8:197
On list of freemen for Plymouth in 1658
1659 2 August 1659 PCR 3:169
Court ordered Cooke, John Howland and John Dunham, Sr. to set the boundaries of the lands of Thomas Pope and William Sherttife "att Strawberry Hill, on the Reed Pond" in the township of Plymouth because of the controversy between the 2.
7 October 1659 PCW&I 1996 II:373
Cooke makes last will and testament. Awards everything to wife Hester. Appoints Hester and son John Cooke as joint executors. Witnessed by John Aldin and John Howland
1662 3 June 1662 PCR 4:19
Court granted preferential treatment to Cooke and his first born son, to buy land
recently purchased by Major Winslow, Captain Southsworth, by virtue of being a Mayflower settler.
1663 7 April 1663 PCR 8:23
Cooke passed away.
1 May 1663 PCW&I 1996 II:374
Inventory of Cook's possessions taken by Ephraim Tinkham and William Crow.
5 June 1663 PCW&I 1996 II:373
John Aldin and John Howland attested to the authenticity of the will.
Francis Cooke: Network of Connections
Aldin, John pursuant to a 1640 court order John Aldin and Miles Standish were to lay out lands for John and Francis Cooke and John Rodgers at the North Riuer which were to be sold to Thomas Tilden, Moris Truent, and William Maycomber. It reports that the job was completed on 13 March 1650
witness to Cook's will 7 October 1659
attested to authenticity of Cooke's will 5 June 1663
Allerton, Issak land next to Cook's
Bradford, William bought 3 acres of land from Cooke in January 1629 and sold it to Georg Watson
Browne, Peter Cooke and Robert Heeks arbitrated a dispute between Browne and Samuell Tiller, the elder 7 January 1932/33
Execution is granted against Mr. John Browne for the verdict recorded against him regarding Francis Cooke 7 June 1637
Crow, Willam appraiser of Cook's estate 1 May 1663
Doteys, Edward appointed to committee to compute the number of acres of land in his meadows 6 May 1640
Dunham, John Sr. court ordered Cooke, John Howland and John Dunham, Sr. to set the boundaries of the lands of Thomas Pope and William Sherttife "att Strawberry Hill, on the Reed Pond" in the township of Plymouth because of the controversy between the 2, 2 August 1659
Harmon, John Cook's apprentice for 7 years beginning on 11 October 1636
Heeks, Robert along with Cooke he arbitrated a dispute between Samuell Tiller, the elder, and Peter Browne 7 January 1932/33
Holmes, Leiftennant Francis and John Cooke granted land of not more than 200 acres, "between Leiftennant Holmes land at the North Riuer and John Rodgers land." 5 October 1640
Howland, John court ordered Cooke, John Howland and John Dunham, Sr. to set the boundaries of the lands of Thomas Pope and William Sherttife "att Strawberry Hill, on the Reed Pond" in the township of Plymouth because of the controversy between the 2, 2 August 1659
attested to authenticity of Cooke's will 5 June 1663
witness to Cook's will 7 October 1659
Prence, Thomas granted land of Cook's on 8 November 1638
land lies next to Cook's land
Jacob Cooke bought land from him for 21 pounds and 10 shillings which adjoined lands of Mr. Jon Combes and Francis Cooke
Rodgers, John Francis and John Cooke granted land of not more than 200 acres, "between Leiftennant Holmes land at the North Riuer and John Rodgers land." 5 October 1640
pursuant to a 1640 court order John Aldin and Miles Standish were to lay out lands for John and Francis Cooke and John Rodgers at the North Riuer which were to be sold to Thomas Tilden, Moris Truent, and William Maycomber. It reports that the job was completed on 13 March 1650
Captain Southsworth court granted preferential treatment to Cooke and his first born son, to buy land recently purchased by Major Winslow, Captain Southsworth, by virtue of being a Mayflower settler 3 June 1662
Tiller, Samuell Cooke and Robert Heeks arbitrated a dispute between Tiller and Peter Browne 7 January 1932/33
Tinkham, Ephraim appraiser of Cooke's estate 1 May 1663
Major Winslow court granted preferential treatment to Cooke and his first born son, to buy land recently purchased by Major Winslow, Captain Southsworth, by virtue of being a Mayflower settler 3 June 1662
land next to Cook's