There are many historic maps of Illinois, Pike County, and New Philadelphia that can provide information about what the surrounding area may have been like during the 19th century. Various aerial photographs also can give us some clues about what the landscape may have looked like when the town was still populated, as well as provide information on potential locations of buildings and the changes that there area has undergone.
These maps and images will be posted on this site soon. In the meantime, you can view historic maps and other views of the town site and its surrounding area by following this link to our Historical Landscapes of New Philadelphia web site.

You can also see our Flickr page for historic-period maps, topographic maps, geophysical data images, aerial photographs in 1939, 1998, 2005, and 2008, and other images, and the opportunity to leave your own comments or questions on them. Use the "Add Note" feature on Flickr to mark-up these data maps and add your own thoughts and comments.

Do you have additional questions? We are also now on Facebook! Follow this link to join in our discussions.