Follow our updates during the 2010 summer's field school -- We have created a account with the user name of "NewPhila2010," and our field school participants will use this to post regular news of their activities and findings during our field school (May 25-July 30). In turn, these tweets will be uploaded and displayed on the "tweetizen wall" available on two of our web pages: newsfeed and updates.

Members of the local and descendant communities, as well as present and past researchers and excavators, are also discussing the project on our Facebook group site. Follow this link to join in our discussions.

You can also see our Flickr page for pictures and the opportunity to leave your own comments or questions on them.

In addition, you can follow our updates through Twitter, and team members in future field seasons will likely post messgaes through these media. Follow this link to scan through our updates, which include news in archaeology as well as about our project, and click here to join Twitter and contribute your own messages.