Archaeologists have many different methods of excavating sites; these methods will vary with the type of site (historic or prehistoric), the types of soils in the area, the types of artifacts or features that are expected to be found, the environment of the site (desert, prairie, underwater, etc), and many other factors.
For general information on archaeological excavation methods, please see the Publications section of this website, which provides lists of and links to sources that will give a very comprehensive background on archaeological excavating.
For information on the specific ways that excavations are performed at New Philadelphia, please download and read through our field manual. This document is thoroughly read and its regulations followed by everyone who excavates at the site.

We also discuss our ideas on alternatives for approaching research on our Facebook group site. Follow this link to join in the discussion!

See our Flickr page for maps, aerial photos, and geophyscial data images that you can mark up with questions and comments using the "Add Note" feature in Flickr.